Recent content by InFinnity

  1. I

    [SOLVED] Changed motherboard , no display.

    Try to change Ram !
  2. I

    Are you a 'Book Worm'? What do you read?

    In the good fight between TV and books the TV always win in my house.
  3. I

    Novatech Finance - Trustworthy?

    "they don't have the best prices, or selection, but they're convenient and tend to have decent customer service...." doesn't sound like a company I would work with... just sayin'
  4. I

    What would you call this position?

    assistant manager i would say.
  5. I

    security and internet

    regarding security i like nod32, vpn i use hide my ass or vypr vpn.
  6. I

    Have you installed a push to start button?

    if you don't have a car that already comes with it I would leave it as is. the push-to-start button is cool when you have a cool car.
  7. I

    Is there a better alternative to Ad Block Plus for Firefox?

    i actually like the taboola "ads", they just give you more articles.
  8. I

    This may sound stupid....

    how were you attacked the first time?
  9. I

    Potential virus because little brother

    is this like when you go the psychiatrist and you tell him about something that happened to your "friend"?
  10. I

    Favorite Things To Do In Your Free Time On The Computer?

    minesweeper - i can play it 10 hours a day.
  11. I

    Hackers Can Spy on Your Sleeping Baby

    The are already spying on your children through barbie so don't worry about it.
  12. I

    Don't Use Any of This Year's Worst Passwords

    Another security problem is that people use the same password to all of their accounts instead of spreading it around a bit.
  13. I

    employee monitoring - what's best?

    sorry no, but i know plenty of companies which uses them.
  14. I

    employee monitoring - what's best?

    let everyone know that every 6 month some of the employees will be sent randomly to a lie detector test. ask there what you want.
  15. I

    I sold a computer. Getting harrassed

    nice, that's how you should advertise - "will fix your computer for dinner"