Recent content by insense

  1. insense

    Gtx 1080 ti won't reach 2000mhz

    Hello everyone, I have a Asus Strix 1080 ti that wont reach 2000mhz on the core, im seeing so many reaching easily 2k and above. Mine would cap at 1999.5 and actual running speed 1987mhz. Ive tried everything i know off,volage,without... Max fan speeds. Multiple oc tools, msi, evga, asus tweak...
  2. insense

    Fifa 16 insane low fps?

  3. insense

    Fifa 16 insane low fps?

    I was about to buy the game and i saw that you can download the demo to try it out, so i did. And holy balls, game was running ( not even joking) below 10 fps! Cpu usage was at 100% constant!no matter the resolution, mind you i have i7 3770k gtx 980, i just don't get it how is that even...
  4. insense

    Gtx 980 Watercooled worth it?

    I'm on the fence either going watercooling(fully system) or just stay air,my main focus is on the gpu. I own Msi gaming gtx 980 and run an oc on it at 1499 actual on the core and memory 1900mhz with stock voltage and my max temps would be around 70-73C.I'm also new to nvidia so the whole oc'ing...
  5. insense

    Gtx 980 Watercooled worth it?

    I'm on the fence either going watercooling(fully system) or just stay air,my main focus is on the gpu. I own Msi gaming gtx 980 and run an oc on it at 1499 actual on the core and memory 1900mhz with stock voltage and my max temps would be around 70-73C.I'm also new to nvidia so the whole oc'ing...
  6. insense

    Gtx 980 brand?

    I'm starting actually choosing between msi and asus strix, i like the low temp's of gigabyte and asus. Msi's seems abit higher idk,less room to oc.
  7. insense

    Gtx 980 brand?

    i totally believe that gigabyte is actually the best one, but i wonder if the 110€ cheaper ino3D Hercules x3 980 is as good as gigabyte or if not,why. there a huge price differences and thats why i'm confused.
  8. insense

    Gtx 980 brand?

    I decied to buy a gtx 980 and since the prices varry so much, for example gigabyte g1 is 700€ while Ino3D Herc x3 is 591€,Zotac AMP 617€, Evga's start at 625 Dual fan, etc... so my question is are the other cards (zotac,ino3d) that are so much cheaper that worse? Anyone with any experience with...
  9. insense

    Which model of the 970 should i get?

    Well its either one of the three, Asus strix, EVGA or Gigabyte( specially gigabyte since their new cooler desing, looks badass and also i think is the most agressively oc'ed). Now that i'm lookin' at it, either evga or gigabyte, strix isnt oc'ed as much but it has the silent part which is...
  10. insense

    is overclocking is harmfull ??

    The only way oc would reduce components life spand is if u'd run them at their max. temps. If u have like a corsair H100i cooler on the cpu and u oc it,u wont do any harm to it. But my advice would be( thats if u play mostly multiplayer games) go for more then 4 cores cpu, if i7 is over ur...
  11. insense

    Asus Matrix r9 290x vs MSI Lightning r9 290x

    To my knowledge Msi lightning is the most over and quality build card u can get. Now one important info about Asus and R9 series. Their CUII cooler is made for nvidia!Cuz they have lager processors while amd has smaller ones and cuz' of it the heat pipes does not cover the core properly! you can...
  12. insense

    Gtx 780 Ti Ghz vs R9 290x Lightning?

    Right now i have a chance to get either gigabytes 780ti ghz edition or 290x lightning for (after i sell my previous card) 200€. Now mind you these are the only two cards that are on sale in my country and costs that much( 780ti 400€ and with backplate 423€ and lightning 445€) so i dont have a...
  13. insense

    Overclocking i5 3570k/i7 3770k

    Hi, I have a question about oc'ing. I just got my 3770k and i am intending to sell my old 3570k. My question is i had it oc on 4.7Ghz and as i saw after i've puted 3770k in it was automatic 4.7ghz so i'm guessing it's all in the bios. Is the oc of 4.7 actually in the cpu ( i dont wanna sell...
  14. insense

    GA-Z77X-UD3H vs ASUS MAXIMUS VI Formula (C2)

    Ofc the "match" is not fair, theres too much of a price difference, but my question here is, atm i the gigabyte ud3h motherboard and i5 3570k and i'm planing to watercool my whole system and since i started or i should say want to start streaming and such things i really need an i7. I was hoping...