Recent content by isuckatanythingpcrelated

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    Question Good GPU for R5 3600

    I think it might be a bronze level 500W I really dont know and I tried and I couldnt find it. I have a 1070. I meant to put 1070 but I didnt.
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    Question Good GPU for R5 3600

    1080p 240hz Edit: I replied to the wrong person, Im not sure what the model is but I know its a 500W. I have enough space for a full GPU
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    Question Good GPU for R5 3600

    Hey! Im looking for an upgrade of my GPU so I can have better framerates to match my monitor. I need a good GPU that wont be a bottleneck for my 3600. Thanks!
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    [SOLVED] weird pc crashing

    I did a basic check, but ill do that now
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    [SOLVED] weird pc crashing

    Hello. My pc weirdly crashes some times. The monitor turns off and then my fans in my pc start going full speed, at this point i turn the pc off holding down the power button. I did recently move, and accidentally drop the pc about 1 foot off the ground but it still boots and no loss of fps or...
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    [SOLVED] pc not booting

    this is the PSU there was no reset switch that was on my case I did have the other things tho my case is the NZXT H510 I have a 1070 1tb hdd 250gb m.2 ssd my mobo is asus prime x-570-p
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    [SOLVED] pc not booting

    I've just built my computer. My mobo has a light on it, and that is turning on. However, my powerswitch thing isn't working. idk what to do. we've looked in the manual for the exact thnig and nothing. does the ryzen 3600 need 12 pins of power instead of 8 pins? thanks
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    [SOLVED] 2nd Gen ryzen needs an update for 3rd gen, do I update bios with 3rd gen ryzen in or 2nd gen ryzen in?

    Hello, I have a 2200g currently. A Ryzen 5 3600 is in the mail currently, And for me to use it, I need to update my bios. Do I update my bios with my 2200g Or do I put my 3600 once I get it and on first boot update bios?
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    Question Ryzen Upgrade

    It probably will. It being better then the 2700x which will definitely do that, Yeah it will.
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    [SOLVED] What cooler should I get?

    Hello. I am going to be purchasing a 3600 tonight, But I want a better cooler. I would not like to spend over 100, But can. I would also prefer going air, (Only because im not THAT good at building computers, And I feel that would be more of a challenge.) But I got the week off so plenty of time...
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    Question Ryzen Upgrade

    If you want to go R5, Get what Im getting. A 3600. At 200 dollars it should do you well, But it will Overclock your GPU. That being said a 570 isn't bad, But you should upgrade THAT after you get a new CPU.
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    [SOLVED] What should I update to?

    Update: I have decided on purchasing a 3600. I don't have a very good cooler (Stock) , And already have 16gb of ram. What cooler should I get? Note: I am not the best at building computers, So It would be most perferable that I don't have to install like a water cooler. However, If it is best...
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    [SOLVED] What should I update to?

    I have a 2200g and a 1070. I want to upgrade my CPU, And am fine going used. My budget is 400 dollars, And Im ok switching to intel. I would most likely have to get a new MOBO either way, I just want to get rid of this CPU bottleneck. Thanks Update: I have a b350
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    Question No sound after install of new GPU

    When I clicked on trouble shooting and it came up with things that are wrong or whatever, There was a long list. Which do I choose for troubleshooting? Do you think its something else?