Recent content by itrendslave

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    Seagate Debuts Battery-Powered Wi-Fi External HDD

    Seems like a great idea. We'll see how it plays out. Also, it could help to state the drive capacity in the article.
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    VIA Launching tiny QuadCore CPU @ 1.2GHz

    computerrock1Where exactly is via implemented? I honestly haven't seen any VIA products on any websites, granted I haven't really been looking. Any one know where to find? Newegg has some VIA products...
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    School Used Student Webcams to Spy on Them

    randydinkinsI think you are overreacting. The laptop was and remains the school's property, not the student's. They have a right to monitor their property. The fact that this student was at home is a moot point. GEt over it. Well, you've got one train of thought on the right track... but...
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    Hello Kitty Chainsaw is a Serial Killer's Dream

    Kevin Parrish...this tool was a rather humorous find during the morning troll for news... The original post was discovered over on Hello Kitty Hell... lol... What kind of person is trolling "Hello Kitty Hell" for morning news? =P
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    Tom's Readers Get the Eyefinity Treatment

    JMcEntegartHaha, that wasn't me; that was Sarah Townsend. Sorry, I should have been more specific. I was referring to "What We're Using: Tom's Team Gift Picks". You had the George Foreman and the 3G modem. Unless I'm still mistaken...
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    Tom's Readers Get the Eyefinity Treatment

    exfilemeI agree we should be at E3. So who would be our booth babe? Marcus? -KP How about Jane? =P Lots of readers are apparently big fans of her looks (judging by the comments on the Christmas gadgets article). Just a thought... Also, just noticed that bustapr had the same idea!
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    10 New Diablo III Screenshots Hit the Net

    Gross! This game looks so bland! It needs way more colors! This isn't true to the Diablo series! I'm starting an online petition to boycott this game and Blizzard! WAAAAHHH! /sarcasm
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    Overclocker Pushes Intel's Celeron D to 8.20 GHz

    Yeah... I don't really see the point in "recreational overclocking". You can run that bad boy for 15 minutes before your liquid nitrogen stock is fresh out... then what? Back to 3.X or 4.XGHz, inevitably -- some stable speed that can be supported by regular water cooling., it's still a...
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    Polaroid Names Lady Gaga as Creative Director

    Hmm... "Lady Gaga" and "creative" in the same sentence? Maybe those fine people at Polaroid shook those Polaroid pictures a little TOO hard.
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    Asus Unveils First USB 3.0 Motherboard

    Jane McEntegartAside from the two USB 3.0 ports, the Xtreme Design P7DP55DE-E Premium has 10 USB 2.0 ports, six 3GB per second SATA ports, two 6GB per second SATA ports, two PCIe x16 graphic card slots and two Gigabit Ethernet ports. This is incorrect and is likely confusing people. GB =...
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    HP d530 needs front panel audio header connected to use rear spkr out?

    Solved it, in case anybody else needs this information... look here: Basically you do need to jumper the front panel audio send and the front panel audio return pins...
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    HP d530 needs front panel audio header connected to use rear spkr out?

    I have an HP d530 desktop computer and I needed a bigger power supply. Bought a power supply, but it didn't fit HP's special PS mounting holes, so I had to throw the motherboard in an old case I had lying around. This case doesn't have front panel audio jacks (and hence no cable to connect to...
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    Microsoft Hires Family Guy to Sell Windows 7

    Think you missed the "butter" there in the sub-title... a few times =)
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    Nintendo Makes Opera Wii Web Browser Free

    The web browsing on the Wii is handy if you don't have any other method of doing it... but mostly it's just a hassle, unless you have a real keyboard for it. Maybe a quick glance at a nice rack (for guns, of course) between Mario Kart races would be nice.
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    Gigabyte's Radeon HD 4650: Are AGP Graphics Still Good Enough?

    In addition to my above comment... the "Last Updated" date on the hotfix driver page (which currently reads 4/8/2009) is incorrect. Don't let it discourage you about the driver being current.