Lewis is the Mayor in Stardew Valley and takes care of the town’s running and the people in it. He is also the person who picks up your produce and sells it in the night so he is someone that you want to be friends with. Luckily for you he loves...
This is the list of all of the things that you need for community centre
and are sorted by season, type of item, quantity and tier.
Crops: When it comes to the crops that are needed for...
Stardew Valley is a game that lets the player advance step by step; there is no shortcut to anything.
Same is for the money; there is no shortcut in earning money in the game. But, some things can be done to ensure you get money fast. Below are some of...
Story Quest Information:
Quest Name: Deeper In The Mine
Quest Text: It seems that the mine elevator is still functional. It will allow you to quickly return to any elevator doors you've discovered. A deeper expedition might be...
Story Quest Information:
Quest Name: Exotic Spirits
Quest Text: Gus wants to make a Coco-no-no, but he's missing the main ingredient.
Provided by: Mail, Winter 19, Year 2
Requirements: Bring Gus a Coconut...
Story Quest Information:
Quest Name: Fish Casserole
Quest Text: Jodi swung by the farm to ask you to dinner at 7:00 PM. Her only request was that you bring a Largemouth Bass for her fish casserole.
Provided by: Event - Jodi...
Story Quest Information:
Quest Name: Marnie’s request’
Quest Text: Marnie has asked you to give her cave carrots from your farm
Provided by: Reaching the 9th fall during the second year of the game
Requirements: Give...
Story Quest Information:
Quest Name: Mayor's Need
Quest Text: Mayor Lewis wants truffle oil. He won't explain what it's for. Maybe it's none of your business.
Provided by: Mail, Summer 21, Year 2
Requirements: Bring...
Story Quest Information:
Quest Name: Smelting
Quest Text: Now that you've built a furnace, you can smelt some metal. According to Clint's instructions, if you place 5 copper ore and 1 piece of coal in the furnace, it should produce...
Story Quest Information:
Quest Name: To The Beach
Quest Text: Someone named Willy invited you to visit the beach south of town. He says he has something to give you.
Provided by: Mail, Spring 2
Requirements: Visit...
Story Quest Information:
Quest Name: To The Bottom?
Quest Text: So far, there's no sign of the bottom. How low does it go?
Provided by: Reach level 40 in The Mines.
Requirements: Reach the bottom of The Mines...
The trees that are found everywhere includes Pine, Maple and Oak. You can use these trees for your advantage and to get a quick cash. Below is the guide to all three trees and some tips for effective lumber-jacking:
Guide for Pine Tree:...
Stardew Valley is a place that is full of joyous occasions in every season. In fact there are two festivals each season to help you celebrate the life that can only be found living in a small farming town. One of these such festivals is the Egg Hunt...
Gil is one of the only other members of the Adventurer’s Guild along with Marlon. He can be found sitting in the corner of the building when you go inside the Adventure’s Guild. He is also one of the oldest members of the Adventurer’s Guild, in fact it...
One of the most adventurous and mysterious characters of Stardew Valley is Krobus. He is a small shadowy creature that you will come across early in the game. He spends his time in the sewer and has a shop there as well. To know how you can interact...