Recent content by IzanaKurokawa

  1. IzanaKurokawa

    Question Why my pc wont boot with an SSD

    Okay so, ive got a new motherboard (h61m ds2 dvi) for third built and Ive got into a problem. my pc doesnt want to boot up with ssd Ive tried everything on installation windows. Ive put in bios mode to ACHI Ive disabled Legacy mode i put on uefi and ive tried to put legacy and uefi nothing...
  2. IzanaKurokawa

    Question Why does my motherboard doesnt want to boot up with an ssd

    Okay so, ive got a new motherboard (h61m ds2 dvi) for third built and Ive got into a problem. my pc doesnt want to boot up with ssd Ive tried everything on installation windows. Ive put in bios mode to ACHI Ive disabled Legacy mode i put on uefi and ive tried to put legacy and uefi nothing...
  3. IzanaKurokawa

    Question Why my pc wont boot with an SSD

    Yea, I installed clean windows on the old PC But it still shows the blinking coursor. Like in the windows installation it says like I can't install Windows on that hardware because I need to turn on the disk controller on Bios. But I don't have that function On Bios. Might I need to modify the...
  4. IzanaKurokawa

    Question Why my pc wont boot with an SSD

    Yes but the motherboard yes supporting sata2.
  5. IzanaKurokawa

    Question Why my pc wont boot with an SSD

    So basically I have An old motherboard (p5g41c m lx) With Xeon X5492 And gtx 780 ti That i built to my brother for mid gaming And i bought a 120 gb SSD to boot the windows faster and stuff But when i connect the ssd with the windows He doesnt want to boot up. like it shows just a Blinking...
  6. IzanaKurokawa

    Will my motherboard be able to use this SSD?

    I have an ssd 120 Gb with the same motherboard like you but it wont let me to boot windows with the ssd Sandisk And i want to know why it wony boot may i need to do something in bios to solve that