Recent content by JacksonLPK

  1. J

    Build Advice Upgrade or build a new one?

    The bio is the latest version. I remember the warning issue happened after installing more case fans and the new CPU cooler.
  2. J

    Build Advice Upgrade or build a new one?

    Thank you guys for all your suggestion. It would be a good time to build a new system after computex 2019. By the way, What does those motherboard warning means? Do I need to do something to stop them?? They were like "Motherboard -124.0 centigrade", "Motherboard +12V 0.000V", "Motherboard...
  3. J

    Build Advice Upgrade or build a new one?

    The GPU perform between 70% to 95%.
  4. J

    Build Advice Upgrade or build a new one?

    Actually, it wasn't too hot. It was about 60 degrees at 3.4.
  5. J

    Build Advice Upgrade or build a new one?

    Hi all, My computer sometimes have some warning like "Motherboard -124.0 centigrade" or "Motherboard +12V 0.000V". Also, the usage of CPU always between 95% to 100% while playing PUBG at 1080p. Current System was built in 2012 CPU: I5-3470 @ 3.2 Cooling: Cooler Master MA610P Mobo: Asus P8B75-V...