Recent content by Jackypantz

  1. J

    Awesome New Gaming PC Room With 5 PC's!!!

    Hello, I am going to be moving soon into a much bigger house where I can possibly have a room to do whatever with. I am thinking about making a PC gaming room so when friends come over there are computers ready to run. I would like it to look modern, maybe dark, colored light and so on. I am on...
  2. J

    Need advice building gaming pc

    Hello, I built a gaming pc for $1500 this summer and am very "techy" so don't be afraid to use "techy" language. I am building a gaming pc room, (black walls, custom desks, flight sim, colored lights, etc.) I will have 4 pcs in there with the same overall specs. I would just like to use these...
  3. J

    PC Gaming Room Advice

    Thank you very much ssddx. I will take all this into consideration. You hit the mark exactly. I would still love to here more from anyone else!
  4. J

    new to the computer building scene

    Let me direct you too a sight called pcpartpicker. Just look it up and click the first option. You will figure it out front there. It will print your build get you rebates free games and tell how much wattage you need as well as total cheapest price and compatability.
  5. J

    PC Gaming Room Advice

    Hello, I am going to be moving soon into a much bigger house where I can possibly have a room to do whatever with. I am thinking about making a PC gaming room so when friends come over there are computers ready to run. I would like it to look modern, maybe dark, colored light and so on. I...