Recent content by James Sartorelli

  1. J

    Looking to upgrade computer.

    What is the benefit of Ryzen, vs intel?
  2. J

    Looking to upgrade computer.

    So, I have to basically build a whole new computer? Any tips on where I should go?
  3. J

    Looking to upgrade computer.

    Could you give me any advice on how I would do that, also why would I change platform?
  4. J

    Looking to upgrade computer.

    I am looking to upgrade my computer. What would give the best performance increase, and what are some suggestions. PcPartPicker Build AMD - FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor Cooler Master - Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler MSI - 970A-G46 ATX AM3+ Motherboard Crucial - 32GB (4 x...
  5. J

    Looking to upgrade my computer's ram. Need advise.

    I am looking to increase the ram on my computer. I used crucial tool that gave me a list of compatible ram that I could get. And I was wondering what series I should go for, Ballistix Elite, Ballistix Sports, or just the Ballistix. Also, should I go for 2 sticks of 8 GB or 4 sticks of 4 GB...
  6. J

    What is effecting my computer's performance

    My computer stuggles to play any games without stuttering, (Arma 3, CS:GO). What should I do to see what is causing the problems. I am running on the lowest settings for games.
  7. J

    What is some good ram for my current setup? The best if possible.

    Could someone send me a link to a ram that is compatible with my current setup, if you could that would be great, thank you in advance.
  8. J

    What is some good ram for my current setup? The best if possible.

    I want to increase the amount of ram that I have on my computer, and I do not know if I should just buy two more sticks of what I have already (I think it is bad ram, I do not know if there is bad ram though). Or to buy new sticks entirely. Here are my computer's components. I need help making...