Recent content by jamiedudley0

  1. J

    [SOLVED] Pc cutting out when loading some games. Other issues such as not being able to boot without cmos reset

    Hi again, updated the bios and everything is looking good at the moment. Don't want to speak too soon but thankyou for the suggestion
  2. J

    [SOLVED] Pc cutting out when loading some games. Other issues such as not being able to boot without cmos reset

    Ok thanks for suggesting it. I've updated to the latest bios. I'll give it a try and come back here with results.
  3. J

    [SOLVED] Pc cutting out when loading some games. Other issues such as not being able to boot without cmos reset

    16GB (2x8GB) Corsair DDR4 Vengeance LPX Black, PC4-25600 (3200), Non-ECC Unbuffered, CAS 16-20-20-38, XMP 2.0, 1.35V 72V9M Heres the model. Also an update, I reseated the ram again and have have not experienced any shut downs as of yet, but I have not restarted the pc yet. In regards to...
  4. J

    [SOLVED] Pc cutting out when loading some games. Other issues such as not being able to boot without cmos reset

    Sorry for the late reply. Bios version is BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. F10, 18/09/2020
  5. J

    [SOLVED] Pc cutting out when loading some games. Other issues such as not being able to boot without cmos reset

    CPU:Ryzen 5600x Gpu:3070ti Fe Motherboard:gigabyte b550m pro p PSU:Corsair rm850 Ram:Corsair vengeance 16gb 3200mhz
  6. J

    [SOLVED] Pc cutting out when loading some games. Other issues such as not being able to boot without cmos reset

    Hi everyone, Recently I have been having a tonne of issues with my new build. Ever since I've built it, the system has been having unexpected shut downs. It's hard to say what specifically is causing it but it always happens either when a game is being loaded or when in the middle of playing a...
  7. J

    Question PC randomly turning off in back 4 blood, rocket league and gta v.

    That is what I am going to try. My friend just suggested installing an older gfx driver and I had some success with that. I will try updating bios and put an update in here.
  8. J

    Question PC randomly turning off in back 4 blood, rocket league and gta v.

    Hi, Im slowly going insane trying to diagnose this issue. In the past month I build my new pc consisting of a AMD 5600x, rtx 3070ti fe, 16gb 3200hz corsair vengeance ddr4 ram, B550M AORUS PRO-P and a 850w Corsair rm850 (Which is a replacement to try and fix the issue.) In certain games...
  9. J

    GTX 970 Unable to run Battlefield 1

    I bought battlefield 1 on release and have been struggling to obtain a stable/playable frame rate. I have a GTX 970, i5 3570k and 16 gb ram. I dont know whether it is a problem with my pc or if it is simply not powerful enough to run the game at above 60 fps. (I am also running a dual monitor...
  10. J

    Do I need a cpu upgrade?

    My current graphics setup is a 970 and an i5-3570k 3.4ghz. I was thinking of upgrading to a more up to date i5 or perhaps and i7. Will this be worth my time or money and will I see any significant increase in performance? Many Thanks