Recent content by jandrsn27

  1. J

    [SOLVED] Ryzen 5 3600 + GTX 960 4GB?

    If your goal is just to save some money you get can get by with a much less powerful and older cpu. The 960 will bottleneck your 3600, while very few gpus will bottleneck your 3600. If I remember correctly you can go as low as an I5 3rd gen and still not bottleneck the 960. Those used desktops...
  2. J

    R5 3600 or R7 3700x?

    If you are just gaming the Ryzen 5 3600. The improvement in FPS with even the best graphics card between the two processors doesn't justify the extra amount you would spend on the 3700x. Also ditch the expensive water cooler, if you go with the ryzen 5 3600 the stock cooler will do just fine...
  3. J

    News Trump's Tariffs and Tech: Everything You Need to Know

    I did look at the information..... thoroughly. Contention or no contention currency appreciation or no currency appreciation, the data speaks for itself....... nothing was done to stop the trade imbalances. They just kept growing larger and larger. In 1985 the deficit was 6 million it is now...
  4. J

    News Trump's Tariffs and Tech: Everything You Need to Know

    Our companies chose China because they have zero labor, enviromental, and health standards. At the same time our government lowered all of our tariffs for Chinese goods( calling it free trade) and turned a blind eye when China raised tariffs on those same goods coming from us. This (deliberate?)...
  5. J

    Asus ROG Phone Launches October 18 in US

    One..... Plus..... One enough said
  6. J

    US Tariffs Now Include Wireless Routers, China Responds

    Oh no our Chinese wage slave goods are going up in price!!! Palo Alto and the Chinese COMMUNIST government made trillions off basically enslaving the low class rural Chinese people and shipping our high paying manufacturing jobs over to them. Now that someone is trying to call them out and...
  7. J

    Semiconductor Market Caught In Middle of US-China Trade War

    Oh no the cost of our Chinese slave wage goods are going to go up! Factories need to install suicide nets to catch workers jumping off the roof. Women are allowed to tie their child up outside the factory for free daycare. Workers put in 12-14 hours days sometimes 6-7 days per week and are paid...
  8. J

    Amazon is Down. Here are Our Favorite Deals from Newegg and Walmart

    Some great deals..... but few of them are actually correct when you follow the links.
  9. J

    How Trump's Trade War Could Break Your PC Budget and Stifle Innovation

    In 2017 we had a trade deficit with China of around 375 billion. Past administrations setup up strangling regulations to keep American manufacturing noncompetitive with China. We had one of the highest corporate tax rates, while China had one of the lowest. China has tariffs on imported US goods...
  10. J

    Lawsuit Royale: PUBG Corp. Sues Epic Games

    When your competitor makes a superior product sue and get a government enforced monopoly. Yeah Pubg your customers will love that business model! Here is an idea lower your graphics requirements and go f2p, start competing and stop crying that you lost the race!