Recent content by jay

  1. J

    Dell's latest coupon code gimick

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Now dell is letting you stack up the features and apply one code to the whole shabang:,54.0.html
  2. J


    Archived from groups: (More info?) > PLEASE HELP!!! I have a Williams HYPERBALL that I turned on the other > day & it wont do anything except has the numbers 3509 5 in the player > one display,& 04 00 in the credits display. IIRC, 3509 5 looks like the game ID, so I...
  3. J

    IPDB offline - Hurricane Rita

    Archived from groups: (More info?) > Jay, I hope you, your family and your server stay safe. I would like > to talk to you when you return about pictures on IPDB, Thanks David Thank you, David. However, my minimalist post may have misled, I apologize for this. Christopher...
  4. J

    IPDB offline - Hurricane Rita

    Archived from groups: (More info?) The IPDB servers were taken down at approx 10PM CST Sept 21, 2005 and the data drives are being moved to a safe location. Their present location is too close to the center of the expected path of Hurricane Rita, currently a Category 5...
  5. J

    HL2 TC mod Dystopia anyone?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) > I am put off by this. I too would prefer SP to MP. > > Ron -------------------------------------------------------- Then you may like Das Roboss too. I played it the 1st of two maps today, it's fun.
  6. J

    HL2 TC mod Dystopia anyone?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) > Has anyone here tried Dystopia yet? > It seems interesting. > > Jay ------------------------------------------------------------ I just installed it. To my dissapointment I found that it's a MP mod. For some reason I was under the...
  7. J

    Bad news from top Eclipse developer

    Archived from groups: (More info?) The following is a reply I've kindly got from Jeff Browne, Game Designer / Level Designer for Eclipse: But before you read his reply, here are my inquiries: - Jay: I was wondering if there'll be any further development on it. I did enjoy...
  8. J

    The "first" SS game ever made

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hi, I added this new listing for Bally's 1974 Flicker SS prototype: This prototype likely would have vanished, going unnoticed for what it was, had not Alexis Tzannes found it, researched it, and...
  9. J

    Vindicators images Blocky, and Pixlated.

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hey Rob, I set the voltage on the board to 5.20 volts. I know that is the sort of standard starting point. How low should I go before it causes other problems? Thanks Jay -- Sent via Gamer Newsgroups...
  10. J

    And how about these SPs maps?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Cool, thanks Mr T, this site is great, full of potentially good HL2 mods : ) So far I've found this one called NightFall, it's seems pretty good by looking at its environments. Jay "Mr T." <> wrote in message...
  11. J

    And how about these SPs maps?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Can anyone actually recommend any of these HL2 SP maps? (Aside of Metastasis) Jay
  12. J

    Add/Remove programs-failure

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general (More info?) Ray, Steve, thanks for the advice. Ray, I followed the hyperlink and its instruction. But nothing changed (blank window opens up when I choose "Add/Remove...". Steve, I followed the hyperlink and took Step 1, 2. And on the...
  13. J

    Stuck in Eclipse, help!

    Archived from groups: (More info?) > IIRC, catch the balls she throws at you, and throw them back at her. > > Take a little practice. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Oh! So it's back at "her"! For so long I thought I was supposed to throw...
  14. J

    Stuck in Eclipse, help!

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Has anyone passed the first encounter with that fairy throwing explosive balls/orbs? I can't figure out what to do? Thanks, Jay
  15. J

    HL2 - Single Player Mods

    Archived from groups: (More info?) >> > > > I understand. > Would you mind sending me a screenshot of Windows Explorer showing the 1st > and 2nd levels of its files? From "SourceMods". > Thanks CF : ) > > Jay > >---------------------------------------------- Nevermind CF ...