Recent content by jayleonis

  1. J

    Question Windows 10 home/enterprise or 11 for 64 core workloads

    Yeah but then I just said I’ll keep the 64 lol. Considering now getting the 32 core TR 7975wx! Super expensive considering though when factoring 1600+ for 512 of rdimm ddr5 and 1k mother board
  2. J

    Question Windows 10 home/enterprise or 11 for 64 core workloads

    apparently my cpu isn’t support in windows 11 regardless. Threadripper 3990x
  3. J

    Question Windows 10 home/enterprise or 11 for 64 core workloads

    Would there be any preference between 10 home/pro and 10 enterprise or even windows 11 for up to 64 core constant max utilization work load? (Threadripper 3990x) I heard various things about enterprise allocating the cores properly but also that the latest version of 10 home does the same now. I...
  4. J

    Question Core clock vs peak peak. All core?

    When a cpu spec sheet says “base clock 4ghz and peak clock 5.3 ghz”. What does that mean exactly. I’m referring to the new Threadrippers coming out. Can it hit 5.3 on all cores or is that single core
  5. J

    Question Cpu spiking up and down constantly during full load

    Would this be bad for the cpu at all? Constant back and forth of wattage power to the cpu?
  6. J

    Question Cpu spiking up and down constantly during full load

    Any idea why when I go to full load in the cpu it won’t maintain constant full utilization. Task manager looks like an up and down graph that keeps repeating under load. The spikes seem fairly consistently spread out using the grids as a measure in the task manager cpu tab Memory close to maxed...
  7. J

    Question Where is Fmax enhancer on Asus Prime trx? Trying to disable

    I have the Asus Prime TRX40 pro S wit the 3990x. I have read enabling PBO and disabling Fmax enchancer is the optimal setup. I cannot find the Fmax enhancer setting. Does it have a different name on this MOBO? Currently with just PBO enabled I go from 3800 all core to 4000 all core. 63C...
  8. J

    Question 7950x with 16 cores has higher multi core benchmark score than threadrippers with 32 and 64 cores

    The 3970x is 32/64. And 3990x is 64/128. From a few multicore benchmarks I’ve seen the 7950x has higher scores.
  9. J

    Question 7950x with 16 cores has higher multi core benchmark score than threadrippers with 32 and 64 cores

    I was curious how can the 7950x have higher multicore performance with 16 cores vs threadrippers 3970x and 3990x. I use a program that does utilize all cores up to 64. Would i see gains switching to the 7950x?
  10. J

    WTS: 3970x Threadripper CPU 32 core 64 threads

    Located in Orlando, FLA. Never overclocked and not used that much. $950 shipped in USA. Will ship to other countries as well.
  11. J

    Question For data backup is using multiple nvmes on the same motherboard a risk?

    If im looking to have 2-3 backup copies of data and I just connect multiple nvmes to the motherboard, is there any risk of a widespread failure given they are all connected to the same board? If something goes wrong with the motherboard perhaps it can cause errors on all connected drives?
  12. J

    Question Hwmonitor Clock speed different than HWinfo effective clock

    HWmonitor shows under full load (all 64 cores SMT disabled) im running at 3800 ghz on all cores. But effective clock shows 3500. What is the difference? is one more accurate? When I go to activate PBO/overclock which should i use to see my speed on all cores? CPU 3990x Threadripper MOBO -...
  13. J

    Question Enabled PBO on 3990x?

    Currently under 100% load (SMT disabled) for 10+ hours I am at 63C. I feel there is room to squeeze some more performance. I dont particularly want to mess with manual overclocking as I dont really know what im doing and dont want to risk it learning. I have heard enabling PBO can spike to...
  14. J

    Question Just installed 3990x - getting same benchmark times as 3970x - is windows 10 holding me back?

    I also don’t know what this means but I just ran the same computation on 56 cores and on 64 cores for the same duration 1 hour and result was within 1% of each other. I don’t think my software is scaling well with more cores/threads