Recent content by jchristensen328

  1. J

    What ram should I get?

    I am building my first PC but cant decide on the ram. my CPU is an AMD 6300 if that helps at all. I want 16gb's because I do some video editing and rendering and also I want to play planet side 2 a lot and i hear that uses a lot of ram, anyways i cant decide what set to get so I am asking you...
  2. J

    Bad Memory?

    So i have a 2009 HP Pavillion dv7 with an AMD Athlon dual core 4 gigs of 1333 ram and it keeps crashing. Not just while im on the internet or a stream or videos but when im playing games like League of Legends or minecraft. It never did this before and has been happeneing for about 3 weeks it...
  3. J

    Which AMD CPU should i get?

    Best answer selected by jchristensen328.
  4. J

    Which AMD CPU should i get?

    U.S and $900 is the max
  5. J

    Which AMD CPU should i get?

    Im starting to get the parts for my first build and i am trying to keep it under $900 and hopefully even $850. i originally wanted an intel but found it hard to keep with my budget so i am settling on AMD. My question is, which CPU should i get. I do render, edit, and record. I also will be...
  6. J

    660 or 660 ti and msi or EVGA

    Best answer selected by jchristensen328.
  7. J

    660 or 660 ti and msi or EVGA

    i live in the United States and thank you everyone for all the help going with the GTX 660 because there isn't much performance increase between the two. Thanks again!
  8. J

    660 or 660 ti and msi or EVGA

    Cant decide which graphics card i should get because money will make a bit of a difference. the games i play are not completely gpu intensive but still take a pretty powerful card and processor (which i do have) like planetside 2 so please help me decide whether i should buy the ti or non ti and...
  9. J

    GTX 660 (non ti) or 7850

    i cant decide which graphics card to get and the price difference really doesnt matter. i cant decide on these two so i would love to have someone else answer for me haha. please help thanks in advance. OH i forgot to add that i will probably sli or crossfire
  10. J

    $700 build w/monitor

    Best answer selected by jchristensen328.
  11. J

    $700 build w/monitor

    No sorry here is a list of thing that i do not need: Keyboard, mouse, OS. the games i will probably play the most are minecraft (i know haha) Battlefield 3, LoL, TF2, and counterstrike so really the only high graphics game is BF3.
  12. J

    My New Dream Build 3k-3.5K

    are you doing any rendering or editing than 32 GB seems almost reasonable but other than that getting 16 GB of RAM is way more than enough and will be future proof for years to come, right now only 8 gigs will run every game out there just perfect but for your budget i would recommend 16 GB...
  13. J

    $700 build w/monitor

    So i have a $700 and cant decide on what i want. also i do need a monitor and i was hoping i could get something not to big for it. please help, thanks in advance.
  14. J

    $700 gaming build

    Best answer selected by jchristensen328.
  15. J

    $700 gaming build

    i have a 750 dollars for a computer and would love some help i dont need an os or hardrive. i do need a monitor with it. please help