Recent content by Jeremie_2

  1. J

    My pc (Looking for feedback before I buy) Here's all the component that i pick i want to buy them all on ncix and made it assembly from them. Looking for some feedback about the build.
  2. J

    Is it worth to change my cpu phenom 1090t for fx 8350

    i know im willing to change my mobo what would you recomend ?
  3. J

    Is it worth to change my cpu phenom 1090t for fx 8350

    Im looking to upgrade my pc to run game better but i dont know if its worth it or what should i upgrade My pc right now CPU: Amd phenom x6 1090t Gpu: Asus rx 460 strix 4g Ram: 8 ram Is it worth to change for the amd fx 8350