Recent content by jetpackmaniac

  1. jetpackmaniac

    [SOLVED] ntoskrnl.exe BOSD

    Yesterday I ran the DDU that was linked for both Intel and AMD drivers and reinstalled the latest version of drivers for my GPU. That seems to have worked, I played KSP for a while yesterday and was getting 144 fps at medium high settings with no issues. If it was to start crashing again I could...
  2. jetpackmaniac

    [SOLVED] ntoskrnl.exe BOSD

    I built this computer back in January, and I was having some problems with phantom key presses. One of the things I tried was a bios update. Turned out it was just a grounding issue, but that is when I updated to bios version 2606. Before that my GPU worked fine as I recall, I didn't do much...
  3. jetpackmaniac

    [SOLVED] ntoskrnl.exe BOSD

    Sorry for the late response. Yes that is the correct motherboard. The card is built by XFX, and they just link to the AMD website for drivers. Would it be a good idea to make sure I'm running the latest bios version before reinstalling drivers?
  4. jetpackmaniac

    [SOLVED] ntoskrnl.exe BOSD

    Yes, I sent the card into XFX and they were unable to recreate my issues, but they sent back an identical replacement anyway. When I got the new card, it seemed to work fine for a bit, but it started cashing a day or so after I got it. And yes it was the same TDR failure. Also my PSU is a EVGA...
  5. jetpackmaniac

    [SOLVED] ntoskrnl.exe BOSD

    I have been getting two different blue screen errors, the first one is Video_TDR_Failure(116), and happens whenever I anything graphics intensive with my graphics card installed. It also appears to be related to DirectX, because whenever I do something that uses OpenGL, like rendering a scene in...