Recent content by joey657

  1. J

    is coder bag safe?

    i used the program coder bag to unpark my cpu cores. But is it safe? or should i worry?
  2. J

    i knocked my computer on the ground by accident.

    i was cleaning my computer and then i knocked the computer by accident with my leg when i was trying to stand up i turned it back on and everything is fine i checked my liquid cooling gpu and ram. i turned it on and everything is working fine. should i worry it?
  3. J

    hard drive memory

    i dont think anyone has signt of my computer. i do marware scans and virus scans every week is it something i should worry about? i lose about 5 to 10 (i think)
  4. J

    hard drive memory

    not alot really
  5. J

    hard drive memory

    not alot really. i got nvidia running avg free realtek hd audio manager i git 0 to 1-2 % cpu usage 2.30gb memory on windows task manager
  6. J

    slowly going down

    i got no idea it goes up and down
  7. J

    hard drive memory

    any solution?
  8. J

    hard drive memory

    is says 669 gb free of 931 gb some times the 669 gb goes down and up? thats what i am trying to say. sorry about that
  9. J

    hard drive memory

    my local disk c memory keeps going up and down????? why??? i do not have any virus or marware
  10. J

    slowly going down

    is it just me or my harddrive space is slowly going down i do not have a virus or a marlware i have avg free and runs scans alot and marwarebytes also . i have 9 games installed and now i got 669gb free of 931gb is that normal? programs that i have geforce experience msi...
  11. J

    what gou brand should i get

    thanks guys :)
  12. J

    what brand shoud i get?

    nice thanks man
  13. J

    what gou brand should i get

    im getting a gtx 770 but i dont know what brand i should iget evga zodac asus gigabyte etc?
  14. J

    what brand shoud i get?

    i am getting a gtx 770 but what brand should i get evga zodac? asus gigabyte etc
  15. J

    should i change it?

    how long do you think i should keep my 2600k?? and do you think its a verry good cpu that doesnt need a change?