Recent content by Jonathan Garcia

  1. J

    AMD BF4 HD7970 Heavy FPS drops

    i have terrible stuttering most of the time in bf4, i can play bf3 on ultra smoothly with really good fps (between 66-120), in bf4 i have great fps (identicals to bf3 i can say) but terrible cpu spikes. i have an Intel 4770k @3.5, 16Gb RAM @2133, XFX 7970 ghz edition, psu cooler master 850W and...
  2. J

    Graphical Artifacts in BFBC2 (Battlefield)

    Hi, I'm having the same problem just now, i was having the issue with the freezing with the looping sound, i've just disabled the realtek audio controller and the frezz stoped, now i'm having the artifacts issue, i think is due to the windows 7 update as mention by GameMaximun, i can play BF3...