Recent content by jonjonjon

  1. jonjonjon

    Radeon R9 290X Review: AMD's Back In Ultra-High-End Gaming

    you keep saying the 290x is $100 cheaper then a 780. i thought that was really impressive until i realized you're wrong. how is it $100 cheaper? what prices are you using? right now on newegg you can get 780's for $500. not to mention they aren't crappy reference cards either. so unless there...
  2. jonjonjon

    Core i7-4770K: Haswell's Performance, Previewed

    so all Broadwell cpu's will be BGA-only even desktop cpu's? i thought that was just a rumor. has intel confirmed that?
  3. jonjonjon

    Oculus Rift: Changing The VR Landscape At CES 2013

    i know its been reported that ms has been working on augmented reality glasses for the next xbox.
  4. jonjonjon

    How good is this gaming build? (Ordering soon and would like help)

    a 3220 is better for gaming the a 6300 because of the single threaded performance. cheaper better memory. samsung hdd are made by seagate now anyway. and a much better video card. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks CPU: Intel Core i3-3220 3.3GHz Dual-Core...
  5. jonjonjon

    Checking build

    you shouldn't have a problem. the list is just of memory asrock has physically tested themselves. there are so many different models it would be impossible to check them all.
  6. jonjonjon

    New Build For my Girlfriend - Advice?

    i'd save some money and get a better ssd and video card. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks CPU: Intel Core i3-3220 3.3GHz Dual-Core Processor ($118.94 @ DirectCanada) Motherboard: ASRock H77M Micro ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($69.99 @ Newegg Canada) Memory...
  7. jonjonjon

    Help with first computer

    country budget? fill the info in the link below.
  8. jonjonjon

    Building first gaming pc

    i would take those times with a grain of salt. lg is pretty much the only company that makes ips panels so just about all ips monitors have lg panels. samsung just recently started make some.
  9. jonjonjon

    Dell XPS 420 cheap upgrades

    i tried reading some of it but i got lost. the only thing to really upgrade so you get better performance is cpu or gpu. to upgrade the cpu you probably also need a new motherboard.
  10. jonjonjon

    Blue screen.

    do you have another psu you can try?
  11. jonjonjon

    Building first gaming pc

    viewsonic makes good monitors. there is a good chance all three use the same lg panels.
  12. jonjonjon

    Blue screen.

    reset the cmos. you had to change the cpu voltages to get it to boot into windows?
  13. jonjonjon

    $1000 gaming pc build

    that psu is enough. i personally would get a smaller sealed water cooler and save some money. the price also comes out to $1069.47 when i click it. the samsung 840 is sold out at $90 and i would rather have a non TLC ssd for the same price. i would also look at a non reference 670 but i didn't...
  14. jonjonjon

    Building first gaming pc

    gives you better viewing angles and better colors.