Recent content by jordrobbo98

  1. J

    What kind of CPU pairs well with the Aorus GTX 1060 6GB?

    In response to a question above yes my 1200 is Oc’ed, but I’m not great at it so I really didn’t push it haha, thanks for all your responses you guys really cleared some stuff up for me, slightly leaning towards either the 1600 or 1700 side, how much of an improvement is the second gem of ryzen...
  2. J

    What kind of CPU pairs well with the Aorus GTX 1060 6GB?

    So recently I bought a new GPU (stated in the title) and have been using a Ryzen 3 1200 up until now, so my motherboard is AM4, so ideally I’d probably want to stick to Ryzen. I was thinking the 1600 or 1600x, but I checked the bottlenecker as a reference and it said my GPU would be 10% too weak...
  3. J

    Skyrim Mod Organizer Conflicts Help

    Here is my mod list in case there are any gods among us who can order it, if not theyre here for reference purposes haha. any help is welcome, even if it isn't ordering ever single mod, just mod types. # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. +Bandolier - Bags and Pouches...
  4. J

    Skyrim Mod Organizer Conflicts Help

    So I have a pretty ideal mod list in mod organizer and the plugins on the right are all sorted perfectly, however, the conflicts on the left are pretty huge and some mods aren't starting up correctly as a result, I was wondering if anyone could help me optimise my load order so it works as...
  5. J

    under £450 Budget PC Build, absolutely lost

    whats the issue with the single sticks of ram? and no idea what the psu needs to be like to be honest its my first build all i went off was the wattage, will it not work like? 1030 is best i can afford at the moment don't get all snippy mate and I'm strapped for cash, some people aren't in...
  6. J

    under £450 Budget PC Build, absolutely lost

    just wanted to update you guys as you were all a big help, thanks for the input about the motherboard especially, had to go for a 1030 as a placeholder until i get some more income then the first thing I'm going to update is my 1030 to either a 1050 or a 1050ti. some corners did have to be cut...
  7. J

    under £450 Budget PC Build, absolutely lost

    what is the difference between AB350M & B350M
  8. J

    under £450 Budget PC Build, absolutely lost

    thing is my budget has dropped since writing this post so i can only really afford a 40-50 pound board otherwise i would definitely get the b350
  9. J

    under £450 Budget PC Build, absolutely lost

    is there any reason the a320 would be inferior as a choice to the b530?
  10. J

    under £450 Budget PC Build, absolutely lost

    i knew gpu's were overpriced due to them "miners" but holy Christ £400+ for a 560 on amazon is madness haha