Recent content by jtsquash

  1. J

    new laptop for college

    Hi there everyone! I am looking for a new laptop that I can take off to college, and there are so many to choose from. I really want some help sifting through the "meh" to find some good products. I am looking probably for touch screen capability and a keyboard, so I have options for which one...
  2. J

    first gaming system.

    Hi there, I am looking to make myself a PC and this is what I am looking at. I am looking to play BF4 (or similar) on good settings and have good performance. any ideas? any good/bad parts I should know about because I am new to this. Thanks in advance. Part Price description Case...
  3. J

    AMD Gaming Rig

  4. J

    AMD Gaming Rig

    Hi there, thanks for the input.
  5. J

    AMD Gaming Rig

    Hi there, I have been looking around for parts that I could use to make myself a computer. I want to go with an AMD system primarily for the graphics card, but the price to performance looks good with the other AMD parts. So this is what I found on line, BUT I am no computer expert, so I would...
  6. J

    $750-$1000 gaming PC

  7. J

    $750-$1000 gaming PC

    Hi there everyone, :) I wanted to build myself a gaming PC and I would love some input. My dream PC would be in small and quiet, but not sacrificing in power. While I think this everyone's ideal set up, I am not that set on flashy looks or any of that stuff. I was thinking that the budget...
  8. J

    Small and powerful gaming PC

    Hi Rammy, Thanks for the suggestion! I was planning for the build price to include the main computer minus the peripherals. I realize that I could spend less, but I wanted to get some higher quality parts and I also realized that the graphics card was going to be a huge expense. for an...
  9. J

    Small and powerful gaming PC

    Hi there, I want to make a small, quiet, yet powerful gaming computer. I was looking to play some new games such as BF4 ext. My price range is $1000-$1500. I was looking at the Silverstone SG09 or the case, but I am open to suggestions. I would be very grateful if someone can help me out...