Recent content by karmageddin

  1. karmageddin

    [SOLVED] No display after Windows logo

    Yeah, I'm really at that point.... thank you for your help and when/if I get it going myself or from a repair place, I will update. again, thank you
  2. karmageddin

    [SOLVED] No display after Windows logo

    I have done everything you have suggested as far as different connections from the card and to the monitor. I tried another card I had here (not knowing if it worked or not) it is an asus geforce 560ti direct cu2.... It does the exact same thing... Like I said earlier in my post, the 660 was...
  3. karmageddin

    [SOLVED] No display after Windows logo

    Set up: ASUS P7H55-M Pro Core i5 650 3.2GHz 16Gb DDR3 RAM NVidia GeForce GTX 660 EVGA 650GQ PSU Windows 10 pro I was going to upgrade to a new PC and stored this one away. Ended getting it back out 5 months later and changed only the power supply from a 600W to the 650W PSU. It posts good, but...