Recent content by kashstan

  1. kashstan

    Question Peripherals constantly disconnecting

    Hello, When I game at random points my peripherals that are connected to my motherboard via usb disable for a couple seconds then reconnects. I've been experiencing my keyboard, mouse, and wifi adapter cutting out (simultaneously) and I'm not sure what the problem could be. I have updated my...
  2. kashstan

    [SOLVED] Major Ping Spikes

    So I've come to find out that my brother who is also using a WIFI connection in the other room is experiencing no issues when it comes to internet playing the same game. Is there something I should try?
  3. kashstan

    [SOLVED] Major Ping Spikes

    When I do a speed test I get between 150 and 300 mb/s does that not mean anything?
  4. kashstan

    [SOLVED] Major Ping Spikes

    My router is right below my room as my room is upstairs and I live in a town home. Is there no way to get ethernet upstairs?
  5. kashstan

    [SOLVED] Major Ping Spikes

    My computer has been having problems with ping spikes in certain games. A couple of months ago I had 0 issues with ping and all of a sudden I've started to deal with constant ping spikes during my play. My ping will be around 4ms, but spike to 30-70 and sometimes even 150ms and then come back...