Recent content by Kasparas

  1. K

    psu for a r9 380

    hey guys, i just wanted to check, if this psu is going to be good enaugh for r9 380 oc'd? also i have an i5 4440 8gb ram, 750 evo ssd toshiba 1tb hdd h81m-k mobo
  2. K

    Psu for gtx960

    would this psu would be enaugh for an oc'd gtx 960? i have and i5 4440 8gb 1600 ram ssd- 750 evo hdd- toshiba 1tb
  3. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd

    also, i found this one,_80_PLU/AEROKCAS-500/CatalogStoreDetail.aspx?CatID=PL_403&ID=562562 sorry if im annoying you :D
  4. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd so is this a decent power supply then?
  5. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd

    why is it bad tho? i dont really get it... sorry if i sound like a noob :D i just want to know how to choose psu's
  6. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd what about this one?
  7. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd

    Well, i know what youre talking about, but see the psu i linked has a single 12v rail that has 35 A and yours has 3 12v rails that are split 25A and i want to know if the rail being split matters?
  8. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd

    why is the one i link bad? im not trying to defend it i just want to figrue out what im missing :D
  9. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd

    also, what about this one?
  10. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd

    are you sure its better than the one i linked?
  11. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd

    also budget is around 50 euros would be better if it was less than that tho
  12. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd

    So basically i forgot to add alot of stuff i pland in the thread :D anyway system : i5 4440 cl9 1600 8gb ram gtx960 750 evo sdd toshiba (yes ik its bad) 1tb hdd. Btw im from lithuania :D if you want to link me any psu look it up in cos thats the place the parts are the cheapest...
  13. K

    PSU for gtx960 oc'd

    hi guys, so i got the gtx960 and im running it at 60% power limit cos i have a really really bad psu. So im planning to buy a new one and i stumbled across this one XILENCE ATX PERFORMANCE C 600W. would this be enaugh for an overlcocked gtx960? ty for answers guys :)
  14. K

    GTX960 power requirements

    By the way forgot to ask i only have 22 A added up on my 12 v rail. is it going to me enaugh?
  15. K

    GTX960 power requirements

    I guess i will have to try. Maybye i will try lowering the max power limit to smth like 90%. thnx guys.