Recent content by kernan

  1. kernan

    Question external hard disk stop work and sound like this

    the "SATA to USB cable" work for other hard disk the external hard disk stop work suddenly, and sound like that the computer doesnt recornize the hsrd disk pls help me
  2. kernan

    Question Old computer doesn't see bootable Windows XP flash drive ?

    Thanks to everyone, i solved the problem. I opened the case and installed the CD drive from another computer. That way, I installed Windows XP using a CD.
  3. kernan

    Question Old computer doesn't see bootable Windows XP flash drive ?

    first mount iso to flash with rufus. plug and boot flash from boot menu antix linux start itself as OS(it start as antix linux os. not antix installer ) u can install antix with installer icon on desktop i think different is that antix start os, xp on flash start installer(((
  4. kernan

    Question Old computer doesn't see bootable Windows XP flash drive ?

    what specs do u have to learn for help
  5. kernan

    Question Old computer doesn't see bootable Windows XP flash drive ?

    ty stonecarver I have tried it already. it is work (for others computer) but on that old pc i can see flash drive name on hard drive list on bios. but when i boot flash not open, when i disable others boots. its say No bootable device found. Aeacus i burn xp to cd. it is work on my pc but, when...
  6. kernan

    Question Old computer doesn't see bootable Windows XP flash drive ?

    i made a Windows XP bootable flash drive but I can't open Windows XP install from boot menu on the old computer. On my own computer i can enter the Windows install menu from the boot menu but the old computer doesn't open from bootable file. The old computer has antiX Linux OS and when i...