Recent content by kneel23

  1. kneel23

    Question Random Restarts (WHEA Logger Event ID 18)

    Interesting, for most of us the reboots happen at idle or completely random. Not tied to any application. Literally happened while I was even installing windows for the first time
  2. kneel23

    Question Random Restarts (WHEA Logger Event ID 18)

    Any updates from you all since May? Still having this problem :'( Pulling my hair out
  3. kneel23

    [SOLVED] Ryzen 5 5600x - Random Reboot on Idle, WHEA-Logger Event 18

    Me too. Brand new build, brand new windows. No tweaks. No PBO CPO XMP or curve optimizers. everything default Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master AMD 5950X RTX 3080 TI FTW3 memory is fine. Internet is full of people talking about this problem since late 2020. No [actual] solutions . All assumed...