Recent content by komapatrik

  1. K

    Question Pc randomly froze

    Gigabyte B360M DS3H Crucial 2x4GB DDR4 2400Mhz Ballistix Sport LT BLS2C4G4D240FSB + 1x8 gb nameless ram Kingston 240GB SA400S37/240G SSD FSP 500W Hyper M a GTX 1050TI Asus Cerberus edition and a WD10EZEX
  2. K

    Question Pc randomly froze

    So I was wathcing a video on youtube when my PC was randomly frozed. You know, the typical voice is gliching nothing responding one. I had to use the power button holding trick to shut down my pc. I tried to start it again and it wasn't finding the boot drive, several times. I even tried to...
  3. K

    WD10EZEX don't show up in bios or anywhere else

    HI , i have a b360m-dsh3 motherboard. I'm currently using a kingstone a400 240 gb ssd , which is working fine , but i have a hdd from my old computer , an WD10EZEX one. I plugged it in with a sata3 cable and the power cable abd it didnt how up anywhere. Is it dead or are there any ways to solve it ?