Recent content by KroolYouTube

  1. K

    Question PC has recently started stuttering ?

    Yes, it's connected through a displayport cable, I have an extra one for my other setup, should I try plugging that one in?
  2. K

    Question my gpu usage is not rlly stable

    I'm not some kind of tech wizard, but from my understanding of course every game is going to use different amounts, and typically the higher the hz/fps you're attempting to reach you're going to be using more of your GPU to reach those kind of numbers. If I try to hit 165fps on some of my games...
  3. K

    [SOLVED] How to I make the 3070 run better?

    This could very well be a pre-built that maybe didn't have proprietary parts, which isn't uncommon, but we all know one of the biggest pranks pre-built manufacturers pull - a garbage CPU cooler that's the same if not worse than a stock cooler.
  4. K

    Question PC has recently started stuttering ?

    Hey everyone, I have an Alienware Aurora R11 with an i7-10700F, and it's pretty crappy for what it's supposed to be, but it does fine on certain parameters that I'm okay with playing games at. It's been pretty solid for the last year and suddenly the past day or two I've been getting this...
  5. K

    [SOLVED] 2080 Super OEM running very hot ?

    So I decided to take apart the GPU again and repaste the die with some XTM50 that I used on my CPU. Sadly the thermal compound didn't work that well on my i7-10700F but the GPU was struggling to run timespy on stock clocks, hitting 85c or more within the first 2 minutes. After the repaste, it's...
  6. K

    [SOLVED] 2080 Super OEM running very hot ?

    It's an OEM blower cooling system so you can't actually take it apart, and I don't know if garbage cards like these actually come with thermal pads?
  7. K

    [SOLVED] 2080 Super OEM running very hot ?

    Hey guys I recently got an Alienware Aurora R11 that comes with an OEM 2080 Super. It's been running very hot at 30-50% usage and I don't know why. The case is clean, open case with a large fan blowing cold air into the case. I know these OEM cards suck at cooling but I don't know why this card...
  8. K

    [SOLVED] PC Not Recovering From Sleep Properly

    Hey everyone I'm having a weird issue with my PC after coming back from a hotel today. For some reason after plugging in the PC again at home, after waking up from sleep mode it only shows my desktop screensaver and the task bar, but all icons are missing leaving the desktop completely blank...
  9. K

    [SOLVED] Attempted Revived PC Won't Stay On

    I don't think anyone, including myself claimed to be a professional. I even stated I did research (not using my own knowledge) to look up what the motherboard was trying to tell me via beep codes. Oh, and I figured that posting on an online forum for some help would kind of show I'm not some...
  10. K

    [SOLVED] Attempted Revived PC Won't Stay On

    Hey guys! I was wondering if you guys could help me figure out what the problem is with both of these PC's. My girlfriend has an older green PC that one of her ex's had built for her years ago. It's severely outdated but it worked enough to play one or two games that we would play together...
  11. K

    Question Smite game not responding ?

    I always recommend this as a last resort. If after consulting forums, your own research, knowledge, and youtube videos, the problem persists, just do a clean install of windows. For most PC gamers, we usually don't have very many applications and downloading our games back are made easy. A clean...
  12. K

    [SOLVED] RX 580 8 GB - Fan Question

    This honestly sounds like a rant session more than someone seeking help. I was giving very basic potential ways to reduce dust. Instead of replying with generic responses like myself, you're spewing sarcastic statements left and right. I suggest going to a therapist before asking an online...
  13. K

    [SOLVED] RX 580 8 GB - Fan Question

    I had acknowledged the fact of your limited space on your desk. If you wish to keep the large fan, you can also try my second method which doesn't involve your large fan. It looks like you have open space behind your monitor. You can simply scoot it (router) over a little bit more, also scooting...
  14. K

    [SOLVED] After significant hardware changes i have bad ping and internet speed compared to original pc build.

    I think people have this horrible idea of a fresh windows install. I know it's a little time consuming but I do it often presented with issues I cannot fix myself especially when it comes to issues such as internet speeds, certain performance issues or driver's that just wont work with me. I...
  15. K

    [SOLVED] RX 580 8 GB - Fan Question

    Again, not some physics or tech genius but I think possibly having a fan there could be a part of the issue? Stand up fans collect dust and throw some back out through the other side which is near your case; even if it's not pointed towards it I think it's still catering to the issue. I would...