Recent content by kyleog21

  1. K

    Question Wanting to upgrade from my msi gtx 970

    Wanting to upgrade my performance on my pc. Mostly play apex legends. What is some good options to upgrade. Price range around 300-400 but cheaper the better My specs are Intel i7 4970k 16 GB ddr5 ram 600 power supply
  2. K

    SLI on 2 different cards

    I bought a computer with a gt 530 and i bought a msi gtx 660 tf and i was wondering if i could sli or would it even help?
  3. K

    HELP ME. Looking for a prebuilt gaming pc

    Sorry i almost forgot i dont care if it is windows 7 or 8
  4. K

    HELP ME. Looking for a prebuilt gaming pc

    Here in a month i am going to be looking for a prebuilt gaming pc. i want the pc to be able to run diablo 3, csgo, wow, and league of legends and maybe bf3 on the ultra settings. I dont know enough about computers to build one on my own. my budget is around 800-1000 dollars. maybe being able to...