Recent content by LCCosmin

  1. LCCosmin

    [SOLVED] Fan Molex connector to 6 pin header

    Glad at least I got a confirmation. Thank you.
  2. LCCosmin

    [SOLVED] Fan Molex connector to 6 pin header

    That's what I thought so too. But perhaps I was missing something and decided to post for help.
  3. LCCosmin

    [SOLVED] Fan Molex connector to 6 pin header

    Link for fans: Sadly, I cannot find any other page selling these which are in English, you'll need to translate from Romanian. As for the controller, I cannot find a link for it nor the brand (it came with the case...
  4. LCCosmin

    [SOLVED] Fan Molex connector to 6 pin header

    Hello! Recently I got a new case and with it 2 extra fans (for a total of 9). I got 2 fan controllers: one that supports up to 8 fans (6 pin connector) + 2 LED plugs and the other one that supports 6 fans (6 pin connector). The extra 2 fans that I got only got a Molex connector (nothing else...