Recent content by leamsi4ever

  1. L

    SSD Boot Drive / Caching

    By the way that registry fix does work, i tried it
  2. L

    Help taking out HDD from RAID

    Best answer selected by leamsi4ever.
  3. L

    Help taking out HDD from RAID

    Ok maybe I should explain it better, I am taking advantage of SSD chaching, the OS is installed in the 320GB and the and the 64GB is being used as cache. I am not sure if that counts as a RAID but the instructions said to set my SATA settings to RAID. I was able to plug my 640GB to a SATA port...
  4. L

    Help taking out HDD from RAID

    I am new to setting RAIDs and SSD chaching so I need help. I have a 64GB and a 320GB HDD in RAID 0 with SSD caching enabled. Then I added my storage drive for pics, videos, etc but my computer does not see it. Intel RST utility "sees" the 640 HDD but it shows as offline. I do not want the...
  5. L

    SSD Boot Drive / Caching

    Hi I haven't tried it but this guy was able to set up SSD caching without re-installing windows. You have to make a change to the registry, here are the instructions: Let us know if it works for you!
  6. L

    Help upgrading to Sady Bridge.

    Best answer selected by leamsi4ever.
  7. L

    Help upgrading to Sady Bridge.

    Hello guys, I have been looking online but I can't find a clear answer on how to go about my upgrade. I currently have a P5N-E Asus Mobo/QX6700 Core 2 Duo machine and I want to upgrade to a Sandy Bridge machine. I plan on buying the motherboard, CPU and RAM but I want to keep my PSU, Graphics...
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    Microsoft Publishes Comparison Web Page on Why Windows 7 is Better Than Mac OS X

    Yeah but a hyundai is cheaper than a ferrari...Is a Mac cheaper than a PC? Heck no!
  9. L

    Caption Contest: The DSi XL + Zoo Animals

    Big Gorilla: I am the true King of Kong! Small Gorilla: Let me see!! Big Gorilla: Sorry son, video games turn kids into murderers.