Recent content by Legion501

  1. L

    Question Assistance for upgrade

    Sorry for that, I am located in Mexico.
  2. L

    Question Assistance for upgrade

    I forgot about Intel's GPUs. About the tests, you are correct, I can play games but obviously in a really low resolution and textures, I really don't know what it is, but it crashed with Euro Truck Simulator, but no with Doom Eternal (Windows 10 version).
  3. L

    Question Assistance for upgrade

    I forgot to mention that. The PSU it's about 2 years old, and yes, I am looking to still use it, but I am open to buy a recent one if is necessary for the hardware if it requires more power. I am located in Latin-America so don't worry about finding the parts on certain website, I will...
  4. L

    Question Assistance for upgrade

    Hello all, I haven't been into the PC gaming for a while, and I am lost with the current hardware. I am looking to upgrade my current build, that is old by now to play current games and I think my GPU is kind of dead because when I run certain games, it tends to crash, and I have to reboot the...
  5. L

    Question How to detect dead CPU or motherboard

    Sorry my mistake, is a Celeron G3950. With that correction, could you provide any advice?
  6. L

    Question How to detect dead CPU or motherboard

    Hello, I need help to detect if a CPU or motherboard is dead. I have tested the PSU on other system and works fin. The system with the problem sometimes boots for a minute or less and then it turn off (With the RAM). Some more times it just try to get on, no post picture or anything, it just...
  7. L

    Upcoming Coffee Lake chips

    Pretty insteresting this thread. I'm plannig to upgrade my rig this fall (now I have an 4440 on a B85 motherboard) and get an i7 7700 (non k since I'm planning to OC) and there's Ryzen with all the hype and everything. I know Intel is the best option in the gaming sector, since I see all this...
  8. L

    Help with Ryzen build

    Thank you so much. I appreciate your opinions. Thanks for your help
  9. L

    Help with Ryzen build

  10. L

    PC won't boot at all with any kind of device

    Hello all Someone brought a PC just to install OS and stuff but when I tried to boot Windows from a DVD the system couldn't start. I've tried many things because that DVD works fine in other computers so I guessed that's a hardware problem but by now I think is a motherboard or CPU failure...
  11. L

    Help with Ryzen build

  12. L

    Help with Ryzen build

  13. L

    Help with Ryzen build

    Hello all I know this has been asked a lot of times but I want to be 100% of this before buying everything. I still have some questions and doubts about Rzyen CPUs. Well, since I don't have too many options on hardware brands where I live, this is what I want to use, just CPU, motherboard and...