Recent content by Lil' Pancake

  1. L

    Question Can't find programs to uninstall on SSD

    Hello people, So I have an issue, where the only files I can see to remove in the control panel menu are the programs and games on my hard drive. But I want to know if there are any games I still have on my SSD I don't want anymore. The picture shows what it looks like. I know that i installed...
  2. L

    Question Right side of my headset is not working.

    Sorry but what do you mean, what am i supposed to hear when tapping the sides?
  3. L

    Question Right side of my headset is not working.

    I have a Skiller sgh2 (link: And it was working fine up until last night. I thought it might have been a cable issue, so i untangled the wire and let it sit overnight. I woke up, tried it, and it does not work. What do I do? Both lights of the headset are...