Recent content by LongHotSummer

  1. LongHotSummer

    $2000-3000 3.1 setup

    Thx for all the replies guys! It's really helpful.
  2. LongHotSummer

    $2000-3000 3.1 setup

    Hello there! I'm looking for some input since there are so many speakers in the world! I live in Taiwan and here many speakers aren't available for preview because stores typically don't have an extensive collection :( I want to build a 3.1 system, AV receiver must support: - 4K - a second...
  3. LongHotSummer

    Can CPU speed drop over time?

    Also, the game could have changed with some updates over 2 years. But probably it's because of what ubrales said.
  4. LongHotSummer

    FPS drops and CPU usage drops when gaming

    By how much does the CPU usage drop? Check in nvidia control panel if the game uses the nvidia card and not another built in video card.
  5. LongHotSummer

    Will a i3 6100 be good enough for gtx 1070 ?

    Even the best i3 (3.9 ghz) wouldn't be good enough because it's just 2 cores. The CPU's superninja recommended should do fine.
  6. LongHotSummer

    is this a good gtx 1070 build?

    Yes, C. You can also consider the i5 4690 (found it for 222 euro, 3.5 ghz/ 3.9 boost), a bit faster than the 6500 but older. Value-wise the i7 isn't as good and won't prolong the life of the CPU that much (games prefer higher clock speed). Anyways, if you go for i5, the 6500 is a solid choice.
  7. LongHotSummer

    PC BUILD for games such as csgo, overwathc and gta5 + upgrading tips

    GTX 950 is an ok card. I think you will use it to its maximum potential with your current build. It seems you can't really improve this build without replacing components (mainly CPU/GPU). Agree with 1 more fan and maybe the cooler master will help a bit, but not enough to justify its price...
  8. LongHotSummer

    is this a good gtx 1070 build?

    To save money you can: 1 i5, not i7. i7 will help with video editing but you don't do that so much. Wont' see the difference in games. 2 Use the stock cooler for the processor and don't think about overclocking. Especially since your system is good and there doesn't seem to be a specific reason...
  9. LongHotSummer

    Computer freezes randomly with GPU on less than 70 C

    Are you sure you're using the radeon card when the freezing happens, and not the Intel HD graphics? See if you can verify that in AMD options somewhere.
  10. LongHotSummer

    New build won't boot - not even the BIOS

    if your mobo has a video connection, disconnect the 970 and try it with the mobo video out
  11. LongHotSummer

    Laptop Value Dilemma: buy cheap now and better later? Or buy something good right now?

    Located in Amsterdam. I understand your point. One the one hand I worry about losing ~300, (1050 euro total), on the other hand 1x 750 can be a waste... either option doesn't feel good, I need to somehow be able to justify either course of action. I forgot to mention I also will do 5 hrs of...
  12. LongHotSummer

    Need advice for a first time build. $1500 budget

    The Samsung 850 evo 500 GB has better performance than the 250 GB version. Would be unfortunate if you build this and know it could have been a little faster. Worth considering. Also I would wait for reviews on the 1070. You never know...