Reliability report:
Yes that motherboard, I don't see any clues in the manual.
Yes I did the installation with only the target drive and the installation media connected.
I wiped the drive and deleted all...
thank you for offering to take a look! I've taken photos of the critical and error events, let me know if you need to see anything else. (btw the link only works on mobile for me)
I was trying to solve an audio problem describe here and have now uncovered a more serious, potentially related issue:
In order to solve the audio problem I opened up the PC, cleaned...
difficult to say when it started as there was a period of a few months until recently when I wasn't using it much, but noticed the problem when I started using it daily again recently. I haven't installed anything that's not a game on it for a long time.
It's plugged into a power strip (which...
Yep two sets of speakers with different cables and two sets of headphones, one bluetooth one with dongle. Updated my BIOS just now which seems to have removed my RAM overclock and it's still the same.
Audio crackles briefly every few seconds in music or in game, frequency seems to vary a bit depending on the output and audio settings. Windows system sounds also crackle, and more so than other audio sources, basically continuously while they play.
The system on which the issue occurs...
I understand that. The data has only been accessed a handful of times since it was copied in when the drive was installed 6 months ago. Hardware failure is of course possible but doesn't seem to be the likeliest explanation on current evidence.
I totally understand that, but in this case that doesn't seem like the likeliest explanation no? Now I'm only a humble software developer not a hardware expert but it seems like something became corrupted or invalidated during the transfer clean up. If you really think it's hardware failure it...
Hi there, I was transferring a large (shared) folder over network from an internal SSD on one pc to an internal HDD on another, and when the transfer was at 99% the disk I was transferring from disappeared on the source PC (and destination PC) and the transfer failed as the destination PC "could...
sorry i forgot to reply to this - it did work thank you. I had considered motherboard firmware but had seen that none of the firmware patch notes mentioned anything about nvme ssd compatibility so thought it wouldn't make a difference
My PC's behaviour with the drive inserted is very strange. It's a WD SN750 NVMe SSD and my motherboard is an ASROCK Z170 PRO4. With the drive inserted the whole PC is jittery and slow and borderline unusable. Takes 15 or so minutes to boot up rather than 30 seconds. At first the m2 SSD showed up...