Recent content by LuisCorona26789

  1. LuisCorona26789

    Question Orange DRAM light ?

    Is there any way to fix it maybe ?
  2. LuisCorona26789

    Question Orange DRAM light ?

    Damn I figured cause everything works on the other mobo so I guess I need a new mobo alright thank you I’ll forever hate lian li 😂
  3. LuisCorona26789

    Question Orange DRAM light ?

    I bought a lian li snowl mini case without knowing that I needed a SFX form factor Psu which is just a baby Psu. So I went to microcenter bought one came back home flipped the switch. Mobo light turned on then pressed the power button and nothing turned on the only thing that moved was the Psu...
  4. LuisCorona26789

    Question Orange DRAM light ?

    So I made the switch and everything turned on and picture came out. Only weird thing is, is that windows changed the pin or whatever it’s making me make a new pin to log in I’m gonna do that and see if I can test out my pc should I do a cpu stress test or something?
  5. LuisCorona26789

    Question Orange DRAM light ?

    I have another spare mobo that fits my cpu should I test my components on that ?
  6. LuisCorona26789

    Question Orange DRAM light ?

    The first pair of ram sticks that I use were the ones I was using before the Psu as well don’t know how the ram can mess up in the matter of 4 days of me not being able to use the pc caue of the Psu problem I had I’m hoping it is the rams
  7. LuisCorona26789

    Question Orange DRAM light ?

    Yeah i tried another pair of ram should I try the other ram I have one by one testing the slots ?
  8. LuisCorona26789

    Question Orange DRAM light ?

    Hi so that past 3 days I’ve had an issue with a PSU I bought and just yesterday I finally bought one that worked. However now when I turn on my PC it goes red, then yellow and stays there with no picture. I’ve reseated the ram and tried individual rams, ram slots that didn’t work. I popped out...
  9. LuisCorona26789

    Question Need help with Power Supply Urgent

    Okay nothing has changed still stuck on the orange light
  10. LuisCorona26789

    Question Need help with Power Supply Urgent

    I’ll give it like 7 min
  11. LuisCorona26789

    Question Need help with Power Supply Urgent

    Okay will do
  12. LuisCorona26789

    Question Need help with Power Supply Urgent

    Like 10 seconds do I let it go longer than that? Cause no picture is loading so I figured I messed up lol
  13. LuisCorona26789

    Question Need help with Power Supply Urgent

    I got another Psu a Corsair SF750 and everything is working now except on stuck on a yellow DRAM light how do I fix this?
  14. LuisCorona26789

    Question Need help with Power Supply Urgent

    I changed the Psu I bought a Corsair SF750 and everything is working….. except now my motherboard is stuck on the orange light DRAM how do I fix this ? I bought another Psu a Corsair SF750 and everything is working but now my motherboard is stuck on an orange light dram how do I fix this ?
  15. LuisCorona26789

    Question Need help with Power Supply Urgent

    yeah I went to the Psu and chose the second replacement Ima try to get a exhange for another brand and hopefully this fixes my issue cause I miss fallout 😭