Recent content by lukelogan1898

  1. L

    Question 1070 ftw on a 550 watt psu
  2. L

    Question 1070 ftw on a 550 watt psu

    It just sits at 406 watts from my pc part picker idk that just is kinda close to the 550 supplied
  3. L

    Question 1070 ftw on a 550 watt psu

    Looking to pick up an evga1070 ftw and have an evga 550 g2 power supply is that enough as the gpu wants two 8 pin pci connectors
  4. L

    Question Budget photo editing pc

    I am looking to build a photo editing pc for a family member for $500 or less Canadian. The editing done is fairly basic just some retouching and things like that. She is using a Nikon D3300 camera shooting 24 megapixels raw images and editing on an old Pentium dual core from 2007. Looking to...
  5. L

    Broken power button

    this should work if I just want to replace the switch outright, shouldn't it?