Recent content by LukieBoy007

  1. L

    Looking for a monitor under £150

    Anyone please? How would this monitor hold up:
  2. L

    Looking for a monitor under £150

    Hey, I've been looking for a new monitor to replace my current 21" LG TV (1680x1050 resolution) and am not sure what to get? I would like it to be between 22 and 24 inches, as well as all the stuff like 1080p, good response time and colours etc. I do play games such as Battlefield 3 and...
  3. L

    New build or upgrade?

    Definitely pick the 7850 over the 6950.
  4. L

    New build - Version 3.0

    In gaming you would notice hardly a difference.
  5. L

    System Overhaul

    May I ask the model of the PSU and how old it is? Also, you should think about getting a cooler such as a Corsair H60.
  6. L

    550 ti drivers?
  7. L

    £700 max budget build help

    Good luck :)
  8. L

    About to buy parts, will these work?? can i upgrade any parts

    Looks fine, but you should upgrade the processor to a i5 3570k and grab a Z77 motherboard such as the Gigabyte Z77-D3H. You could also save a few quid by getting this power supply instead...
  9. L

    £700 max budget build help

    Haha I did the same thing :D I'd say by then nearly everything listed above and possibly a GTX 660 or a GTX 660ti instead of the 7850 would be your best bet.
  10. L

    £700 max budget build help

    Depends on the sort of games you want to play. If you wanted to wait 2-3 weeks, the GTX 660 should be released and has will perform better than a GTX 570 or a 7850 and will cost around £200 supposedly.
  11. L

    [550£] I5 Configuration

    What he said ^
  12. L

    £700 max budget build help

    I still have the stock cooler for my i5 3570k so I haven't bothered overclocking that. But I did manage to overclock my Sapphire 7850 to 1000Core/1300Memory (Default is 860 Core/1200Memory). If I tried to max out the sliders in MSI Afterburner (1050Core/1450Memory) then my system did crash, but...
  13. L

    £700 max budget build help

    Processor: Motherboard:
  14. L

    24"+ Monitor Advice

    Ok thanks a lot.
  15. L

    24"+ Monitor Advice

    Ok, I will be gaming on it (e.g. BF3) but should this monitor be ok for that? I also do a bit of amateur Photoshopping.