Recent content by madmatt30

  1. madmatt30

    Question Tried everything and PC still won't post after months

    B250 only supports upto 7th gen intel. So if you you have a 9th gen CPU it's NEVER going to work.
  2. madmatt30

    [SOLVED] How do I format external hard drive to FAT32 for PlayStation 3?

    Exfat doesn't work on PS3 full stop. That 32gb formatting limit is a limit enforced only by native windows formatting. I've had 4tb drives formatted as fat32 using easus partition manager. Fat32 format can do upto 2tb drives and is a simple one click solution pretty much...
  3. madmatt30

    [SOLVED] Am I being paranoid about mt APC?

    Very unlikely , more likely to damage the APC than the system. I'd imagine that beeping was a warning that you were overloading or close to overloading it. The 3080 is a 350w gpu with peaks in excess of 400w so not too much of a surprise at all.
  4. madmatt30

    Question Positive pressure or Negative pressure

    The mesh performance has a built in fan controller, its a full size case and it is more expensive than the 215 but will solve your little issue with only having 1 fan header
  5. madmatt30

    Question Positive pressure or Negative pressure

    There's no real way of lowering your ambient room temps so the best you can do is with a decent airflow case, with good quality unrestricted intakes and what is paramount is getting that h100i fitted as a top exhaust not a front intake. The ryzen isnt hard to cool, a h100i can easily manage it...
  6. madmatt30

    Question Positive pressure or Negative pressure

    What country are you in and whats your budget? There have been some good suggestion in this thread to try out but right from the get-go you were fighting a losing battle with that setup. The case and temps would have been fine had you stuck to the initial 3 x 120mm front intakes, rear and...
  7. madmatt30

    Question Rate My New PC I Just Bought

    No you're right. 3060s currently go for the $600-700 mark which is ridiculous but it's what it is. The only thing that could be suspect in your prebuilt is the psu but we have no idea what it actually is. Im with the other guy regarding dell's prebuilts. Proprietary motherboard connections...
  8. madmatt30

    [SOLVED] Looking for free software for gpu benchmark test for windows xp.

    There 'were' 32 bit versions of valley and heaven - I think the issue is the official ones from the unigine page are updated to dx11 64bit only versions. There's no option to download legacy versions of earlier releases. Tropic and sanctuary benchmarks should work fine though. You could find...
  9. madmatt30

    [SOLVED] Looking for free software for gpu benchmark test for windows xp.

    Valley and heaven work on xp I believe.
  10. madmatt30

    [SOLVED] [Gsync/HDR/refresh] How do you simplify switching your monitor/GPU from Windows use to gaming use?

    Capcom have managed to enable HDR in their last 4 resident evil games irregardless of whether it's enabled in windows or not. I wish other developers could/would follow suit because windows itself from a desktop perspective is awful with HDR enabled, the balance is completely off even with the...
  11. madmatt30

    [SOLVED] Graphics Card Fried - What's my best option?

    At that res that old 5820k should still work well enough imo. Terribly crappy time to have a gpu die on you though. That uws monitor is virtually the same pixel count as 4k (close enough to be negligible) so you're going to want a 3070 minimum realistically - Id have no issue pairing a...
  12. madmatt30

    What is the motivation for building a PC exclusively for gaming when one can have gaming consoles for less than half of the price?

    I'd find it hard to manage with ony1 choice in all fairness. I have a ryzen 7/5700xt system as well as a series x with a gamepass ultimate subscription. Which means I rarely actually purchase games and tend to use the series x more simply because it's more convenient, within 5 second of...
  13. madmatt30

    [SOLVED] iam going to get an i7 12700k

    You can but running an expensive high end $400 cpu on a substandard $40 psu would be absolute madness. So essentially the answer is no! Also I'd ask if you're that budget limited what are you going to be using for cooling? While the i7 isn't anywhere close to being as inefficient or as...
  14. madmatt30

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    Psu choice would depend on location and budget?? Ram at 1866mhz?? That's very very unlikely, ddr 4 defaults to 2133mhz base clocks, and if you double that 1866mhz it means it could be hitting near 3800mhz which is nigh but impossible on a 400 series board with a gen 2 ryzen with 4 sticks...
  15. madmatt30

    [SOLVED] Brand new HDD grinding noise (both original and RMA)

    Wd blacks are notoriously noisy mate seriously. I have a 8tb internal in the pc, and a 12tb external for the xbox series x. The internal one is bad enough, the external?? I've tried sound dampening foam and allsorts, its in a cupboard aswell and it vibrates the whole tv unit when its...