Recent content by madmaty

  1. M

    Reinstalled windows now cant game full screen

    Ran a drivergenius scan it returned the 12.6 drivers as a new update so I installed still getting the flashes across the screen in full screen in Saints Row 2 / Mass Effect 3 / Kingdoms of Amalur Which are the only graphic intensive games I have atm. However Minecraft plays perfectly fine in...
  2. M

    Reinstalled windows now cant game full screen

    It a single 4870x2 Dual GPU 1 board. Dust bunnies non existent the system is cleaned monthly. Also dont think cooling is a problem I use a raidmax SMILODON case COOLING SYSTEM FRONT:1 x 120mm LEFT SIDE: 1 x 80mm SIDE BAR: 1 x 80mm REAR: 1 x 120mm CPU 1x 80mm (blowing directly into...
  3. M

    Reinstalled windows now cant game full screen

    GPUz sensor log (reinstalled newest drivers and launched a game) still getting massive flickers across the screen Date , GPU Core Clock [MHz] , GPU Memory Clock [MHz] , GPU Temperature [°C] , Fan Speed (%) [%] , Fan Speed (RPM) [RPM] , GPU Load [%] , GPU Temp.(DISPIO) [°C] , GPU...
  4. M

    Reinstalled windows now cant game full screen

    I recently had to reinstall windows. Now whenever I play any games I get massive stutters on the screen. I have a 4870x2 also now I get a CPU over temp error on boot. Everything was working just fine before the reinstall I could pay everything just fine. Even Saints Row 2 is now Lagging and I...
  5. M

    Problem with it not accepting my new ram

    So I have a motherboard that only supports 2GB ram I have 4x512 which it wont accept the last stick since the first total is 1536 and the last stick would put it over by 48mb so I was wondering if there is anyway to tick the comp or deactive part of the ram to get it down to a full 2GB