Recent content by MahmoudAyoubi

  1. M

    More Memory or Faster Memory?

    It depends if you are gaming then you won't need an upgrade 16 gb itself is already overkill but benchamrks show 1600mhz wont outperform 2400mhz in gaming by even 5% but if you are 3d rendering in programs you might need more powerful RAM eventhough 1600mhz would probably be enough
  2. M

    Why is 3840x2160 considered 4k?

    Today we consider 1920x1080 1080p, and 1280x720 is considered 720p so they are both labelled by their width but with 4k 3840x2160 is only 2x more than 1080p so it is really 2k. but why do brands call it 4k and make tvs and projectors and cameras so overpriced almost 10x more expensive than a...
  3. M

    Best LGA 1150 Motherboard Under $130

    Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
  4. M

    Will a USB 2.0 ports Case run with a USB 3.0 motherboard?

    Yes it will but the case port speed will be limited to the speed of USB 2.0, but you can still use the usb 3.0 ports on the back at full speed
  5. M

    HDD's for recording videos? its onlyt 250 gb but it its a very good HDD probably one of the best performance HDDs for 54 dollars I know thats slightly above your max but trust me it wont get better than that someone prove me wrong :)
  6. M

    Please help, my PC might be dead

    honestly i believe that when you put it on the carpet the static mightve possibly ruined it dont worry you probably will only have to replace the ram not the whole build
  7. M

    Questions about SSD

    PCI-E storage is usually called flash storage by OEMs they usually are used to save size in compact devices (ex macbook air) since they save size and they give better performance, but they tend to have a smaller capacity and a bigger price per gb but unless you are working with an extremely thin...
  8. M

    Pls Help me choose b/w these Laptops.

    If I were you I would go with the first one, eventhough the second one uses GDDR5 it wont work that well considering it will only run with 2 gb of RAM and the first one has a newer graphics processor
  9. M

    WD HDD problem in my PC

    Did you connect the original WD HDD to a different sata port on your mobo when you put in the new one? if so then you probably plugged it into a older version of SATA port which would limit your HDD speed. Therefore if you only have one newer SATA port then you should hook the HDD to a USB 3.0...
  10. M

    Questions about SSD

    In my opinion Crucial and OCZ make the cheapest SSDS around a 500mb/s range and a 500 gb one would cost you between 300 and 500 USD. They're are two types of SSDS Pci-e AND SATA (plugs in like a hard drive) PCIE ssds tend to be way more expensive but give you way better performance but should...
  11. M

    How do I access the SSD that came with my computer?

    A couple of weeks ago i bought a new VAIO SVF15a16cx model laptop and on the box it said that it came with a 8 gb ssd. When i go into device manager it only shows my default HDD. My question is how do I access that SSD or is it just that it is inaccessible or what?
  12. M

    help me build this pc

    Unless you want deticated graphics i dont think you would be able to have a good computer for around 350 while paying that much for a mobo heres what i think you should use: Cpu: AMD Athlon II X4 740 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor Mobo: ECS A55F2-M4(1.0) Micro ATX FM2 Motherboard RAM: Corsair 8GB (1...