Recent content by mamtox

  1. M

    Question 1080ti 90c when idle (Update)

    I have a MSI GTX 1080ti Seahawk (not overclocked). Today I turned the computer on and the GPU fan was running loud (3800rpm) constantly. I checked corsair link and the temperature was 90.0c. I was also getting artifacting on both my monitors. Clock speeds were all over the place constantly...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] GTX 1080ti 90c while idle

    Thank you for the reply. How would I be able to test this? Also the back of the card is cool to touch so I'm not sure the chip could be that hot.
  3. M

    [SOLVED] GTX 1080ti 90c while idle

    First post. I have a MSI GTX 1080ti Seahawk (not overclocked). Today I turned the computer on and the GPU fan was running loud (3800rpm) constantly. I checked corsair link and the temperature was 90.0c. I was also getting artifacting on both my monitors. Clock speeds were all over the place...