Recent content by manno

  1. M

    AGP 7600GS or X850 Pro

    READ THIS PLEASE!!!! don't get either the link you posted was to the x850 pro get the x800xl it is a better card and cheaper at just $119 That is the x850 Pro not the x850 xt big difference the 800xt has 16 pipes, and the 850pro only has 12 the...
  2. M

    Conroe loses to X2 3800 in Multitasking Benchmarks?

    The fact that they share the 4MB cahce is an advantage not a dissadvantage, because they can both access it simultaneously, and there is no nead to hike across the hypertransport bus to peak at what the other processor has in memory. This comes in handy when you're running a multithreaded...
  3. M


    I believe I was editing my post as you were replying, again sorry.
  4. M

    Integrated Sound

    The who's a jigga what... apparently I don't cause I'm pleased as punch with my integrated sound. Ignorance is bliss.
  5. M


    !! I have editd this post because I was a total D@#K to shabodah for no good reason !! I feel there is no such thing as a viable budget SLi option The 7900GT is going for ~ $300 The 7600GT is going for ~ $200 two 7600GT's is cost ~ $400 you may get the speed of 1 7900GT if you're extremely...
  6. M

    help me understand...

    You son of a bee-sting! I had a mouth full of edamame I spit up all over my monitor cause I laughed so hard. Kudo's an thanks for the laugh. -manno
  7. M

    Reverse HyperThreading? AMD's Next Marvel? Read On...

    Thanks for the link.... I will read it. Actually, between you and me, throwing around "The Inquirer" crappolium is really going to go nowhere, I trust George Bush more than the Inquirer :) :) ummm... yeah that article clearly states that he's making base assumptions, and I read it as this is...
  8. M

    x850XT vs 7600GT

    I don't use the dual slot cooling as a factor. I car about getting good performance, so dual slot cooling isn't an issue. Yes, X850XT needs extra power connector, but it isn't an issue. 7800, X1800 and X1900 all use extra power. A lot of people would argue that SM3 isn't that big of a deal...
  9. M

    Time to upgrade this CPU?

    That's a good power suply,a dn the p180 is an awesome case. I have no clue how well the radeon 9800 will play Elder Scrolls, but the 3200 will hadle it with ease. Ars did a small review about the game, and the guy used a 6800GT, a card that's...
  10. M

    New PC - Do I have to wait for Conroe?

    three grand that's an a$$load of bling bling to spend on a PC! I am of the buy now at 1/2 of what you have and then buy/upgrade later with the other half. You have $3000 saved up right? OK so spend $1500 on a new PC now. Buy a a64 3200 and overclock it to HTT 250 and get a nice 25% overclock to...
  11. M

    Time to upgrade this CPU?

    Yes the athlon 64 3200+ will be SIGNIFICANTLY faster than your P4 2.0. I'd be willing to wager more than 2x as fast at least. "gpfear" makes a very good point. Just slapping a new motherboard, and processor won't make your system any better for gaming. What type of video card will you be using...