Recent content by manu_el_he

  1. M

    Question No output from GPU, even though power is fine and no EZ debug LEDs turned on.

    Actually I do have another one and I just tried it (beQuiet! Pure Power BQT L7-530W) but still nothing. Not with the internal graphics, not with the graphics card. Any more ideas?
  2. M

    Question No output from GPU, even though power is fine and no EZ debug LEDs turned on.

    yes I did, but also nothing happens. which should mean it's the motherboard itself, right?
  3. M

    Question No output from GPU, even though power is fine and no EZ debug LEDs turned on.

    I don't, but the thing is: the PSU worked for that exact GPU just in another setup.
  4. M

    Question No output from GPU, even though power is fine and no EZ debug LEDs turned on.

    Hi, I'm really at the end of my technical expertise (which is not too good tbh). I just built my pc with a few parts i already had and some new stuff i bought. Unfortunately, there is no output from the GPU. I can hear no beeping from the motherboard/BIOS, also no EZ Debug LEDs show any sign of...