Recent content by mark owens11

  1. M

    Question HDD copying Software

    I have a 120GB ssd (C drive)and I want to get a 500GB SSD to replace it.Can I get special hdd copying software which will allow me to simply do an exact copy of the 120GB ssd onto the 500GB and then I plug in the 500GB as the main C drive and it works ok? I just dont want to have reinstall win 7...
  2. M

    Laptop power supply stops buzzing when plugged in,laptop is dead wont charge or turn on

    Hi all I have a HP G2 455 laptop,the power supply slightly buzzes when its NOT connected to the laptop,when I connect it,it goes quiet but I cant charge or switch the machine on.Any ideas please? Laptop or the psu, which is it? Theres no lights indicating power is getting to the laptop either Thanks