Recent content by mckenziebrother

  1. M

    Standalone game... possible?

    but maybe i'm the only one thinking like that lol... (sorry if i flood but as a noob to the forum i cant edit ><)
  2. M

    Standalone game... possible?

    just like if we find a new planet, inhabited by ppl that would not know we observe them from space. we could learn from them, see they way they evolved, and eventually copy stuff they have for our own use. lot to learn!
  3. M

    Standalone game... possible?

    yeah it would have been all about curiosity at first sight. then as i said try to imagine: you created a whole world, and now they grown, spreaded, now you could be one of them, watching their creations, seeing how they created it, what's the use. i dont talk about neurons, electrons, i talk...
  4. M

    Standalone game... possible?

    not smart enough to understand half what they says on that wiki page lol, let's say it does exist... i was more thinking about something like Populous or the Sims, but i think i'll deal with it xD thanks man :) have a good day, question answered :)
  5. M

    Standalone game... possible?

    cant find anything about that ><
  6. M

    Standalone game... possible?

    because i'm not aware at all about a simulation that does this. i mean on a virtual Earth, you create 5 mens, 5 womens, and see them evolve, increase in number, discover new lands, cover the planet, see them evolve from neanderthal to spaceships age, all on their own, creating technologies...
  7. M

    Standalone game... possible?

    no, not only a simulation as the ones that exists actually, but a simulation that would allow the virtual ppl to live, create things, use these things and all. exactly like if us on Earth, we would be that ppl in the computer. and the ones that created us would have do so to see how we would...
  8. M

    Standalone game... possible?

    first, sorry for my bad english >< hi :) i'd like to know if today in 2012 it is possible to program an artifical intelligence, to make a game standalone, like we create a world, then put 5 mens and womens... ...and stop, we dont do stuff anymore, we just observate their choices, what they...
  9. M

    Cant launch a game

    problem is solved. even if the game is authorized, i've shut down the firewall. i also linked the pc with an ethernet cable instead of wifi. i also searched the web to check about ports, there was 5 ports to open in the modem... i opened them, but for all of it: no result >< then i've clicked...
  10. M

    Cant launch a game

    hi, no i use wifi. i tried with an ethernet cable too but it doesnt worked either. how do i check the ports? i thought ports should be automatically set as they have to be by the game or modem oO
  11. M

    Cant launch a game

    so, no one have a clue? oO
  12. M

    Gaming Laptop

    asus g74?
  13. M

    Cant launch a game

    hi! first: sorry for my english, i'm french :) recently i bought a notebook, acer aspire one d257. screen 10", processor n570 1.6ghz dual core, 2go ram 13333mhz, graphics chipset 3150. just to laugh, to see if the "pc" supports this game, i installed Lord Of The Ring Online. ram used at 50%...