Recent content by mgjacc

  1. M

    Reviews on a high end Mini ITX system

    My contribution will be limited because I am not a gamer. But I am getting/ or building an i7-4770 system, no k. The motherboard you picked is a great one. I'll be using either the H87m pro or the z87-ws because my needs are more photo editing and I need the extra slots and esata. As far as...
  2. M

    Will this run dayz on high with good fps ?

    CHECK MANUFACTURER 1. Is the manufacturer any good? I know nothing about Cyber power, but it seems to review well. Check for sneaky omissions 2. Look above and below its price range for better systems. l have seen bargains for 2 similar systems and one is $100 cheaper but they've stripped...
  3. M

    Looking to build a low budget desktop

    use pcpartpicker. com It indicates board and CPU are compatible, but does not show raygo cases For about $10 More you could go to socket 1150 and a g 3220 which is a tidbit faster but at least it is a bit more future proof url=]PCPartPicker part list[/url] /...
  4. M

    Mini ITX build need help fine tuning planned build

    Thank you for the input I was choosing tiny with wireless because I'd like my daughter to be able to bring it with her to our trailer. I was trying to locate a cute Lian Li case that looks like a lunch box but no one is carrying it anywhere. The system would be mostly for play so it would...
  5. M

    Help evaluating these builds: Pure stripped down Linux box, vs big system with multiple OS

    Been getting a lot of good advice on this forum. Was interested in playing with Linux and was talked into Linux Mint a while ago by some very helpful people. I still have a need for a windows system or two for my software, but wanted to try Linux mint on a cheap build for my wife and kids...
  6. M

    Mini ITX build need help fine tuning planned build

    I have been planning a build for wife and kids. Been getting tremendous help here. Now I’ve fine tuned it down to a mini itx system, in the smallest case possible. I wanted small, simple, with wireless capability for the cottage. Internet access, light online children's gaming, very simple...
  7. M

    Need Win 7 pro 64 bit for 1st build : Do I use OEM or retail?

    Yes I've read similar and also that they pushed the date back, seems like l'm stuck buying an OEM version only.
  8. M

    Need Win 7 pro 64 bit for 1st build : Do I use OEM or retail?

    Thank you. It clears things up for me. Now, how do l get a retail copy of Wwidows 7. On part picker only OEM versions are listed. All others show as NIA. when I check retail stores like tiger direct same thing OEM. l also noticed WIN 7 seems to be vanishIng as well. should 1 be worried and...
  9. M

    Need Win 7 pro 64 bit for 1st build : Do I use OEM or retail?

    Learning all l Can before first build. l want Win 7 pro 64 bit or ultimate. Confused as to whether I should get OEM or retail. Reading posts l gather OEM is not transferable, and retail is. But retail versions ( as in no OEM label) do not seen to be available. Does this mean l will be unable...
  10. M

    New system build for daughter to use Puppy Linux, want advice

    Samsung network printer. But printing is not a key req though there are drivers. l figure I can build a basic box for $275 and try Linux mint. Watch for my upcoming HELP! Wonderful advice everyone, much nicer than flying solo, Thanks!
  11. M

    New system build for daughter to use Puppy Linux, want advice

    I was wondering about the transfer, I've heard various things. I'll be using windows 7 ultimate myself, for the others I'll use the cheapest OS at the time of purchase. If I use Linux Mint on the small build and then decide it's too bothersome is it easy to remove and install windows later...
  12. M

    New system build for daughter to use Puppy Linux, want advice

    Wow! What a wealth of info. Thank you all very much. @skittle: I had assumed Linux Puppy was less skeletal because most review sites focussed on the desktop and features there, and debian seemed an empty sea. Reviews of Puppy seemed to indicate it came as a system like pure windows; you...
  13. M

    New system build for daughter to use Puppy Linux, want advice

    @ Danbuscus 25   l appreciate the input and rapid response.   @ Danbuscus 25 and theonerm 2   This is my statement of ignorance:  l'm unsure as to the advantage of The AMD over the Pentium. Yet most build suggestions l got in the SYSTEMS forum were for AMD. My current box has an ancient AthIon...
  14. M

    New system build for daughter to use Puppy Linux, want advice

    I plan the following build with my daughter. (I've already had lots of input from others on this). She'll use it for Netflix, online eight year old girl gaming, grade 3 school web based activities, and my wife for email and online shopping. very light stuff. Intel Pentium G3220 3.0GHz...