Recent content by mihnea32

  1. M

    Question Old laptop display has screwed-up colors and small blinking lines like an old TV ?

    I know.....but what can I do? is it easy to fix? or I should change it?
  2. M

    Question Old laptop display has screwed-up colors and small blinking lines like an old TV ?

    Hello, I have the following issues: Old laptop has display problems: screwed-up color, and the display sometimes has small blinking lines like an old TV(a few pixels long). Sometimes you can see tracks after some borders or lines "coming down" horizontally, also like old TVs. If i connect...
  3. M

    Upgrade advice for my old laptop

    Hello, I have a laptop which in 2008 or so when I bought it was very performant, now it takes ages to load, I use my computer for web/movies/reading PDF and writing programs in Visual C Community (the version I downloaded a year ago takes ages to load), so the one thing that I can change is...