Recent content by mitchlongerz

  1. M

    New PC build Under $1500 AUD

    Hey guys can i get some feedback on this PC build that im thinkinbg off, Case: NZXT 410 Phantom CPU- Amd FX 8350 or Intel 4690K Ram- Corsair Vengance 8gb 1600mhz Mobo- MSI 970 Gaming ATX OR MSI Z970SKrait SLI 1150 HDD- Seagate barracuda 1TB SSD- Samsung evo 850 120gb PSU- Corsair 650W 80+ Gold...
  2. M

    PC Not booting up?

    I've tried both of those and still no luck
  3. M

    PC Not booting up?

    Hey guys, I was on my computer one day, my PC was working perfectly fine then all of a sudden the next day the PC showed no BIOS screen. There was no display for both the motherboard graphics and the GPU graphics, though the PC itself booted up (all the lights, fans, graphics card) all booted...
  4. M

    What should I Upgrade?

    So i have some money $400-$500 to be exact. and i was wondering what i should upgrade on my rig.The parts are: Case: NZXT 510 PHANTOM WHITE RAM: Corsair Vengance 8GB PSU: Coolermaster thunder series 700watt CPU; Intel i5 4590 Motherboard: MSI Z97 GAMING 3 Graphics card: ASUS GTX 770 Direct CU...
  5. M

    Computer case modding!!

    I am thinking of adding the blue decal stripes on the case. I was thinking of getting a wrapping for the liquid cooling so it turns out white or blue but I do not know where to get them from in Australia I cannot find any. Do you know anywhere that will ship internationally or in Australia?
  6. M

    Computer case modding!!

    Thank you :) do i just need any paint or a certain one for it to stay on the pus? and ive ordered a corsiar h100i liquid cooler and im thinking of changing the tubing to clear and add a blue liquid to it? and i was thinking of putting blue stripes going diagonal across both sides of the case...
  7. M

    Computer case modding!!

    Hey Guys, I have recently bought a NZXT 410 Phantom white case and I really want to mod it, though the problem is i do not know what to mod. I have around $250 to spend on modding the case. Some ideas that i was thinking was getting a large clear window (i have LED's in my case) I don't know...
  8. M

    Is my Motherboard dead?

    Ok so ive found the problem, a couple of the cpu pins on the mobo are bent, luckily the cpu doesnt have any pins so the cpu isnt damaged. Thanks for your help guys :)
  9. M

    Is my Motherboard dead?

    I dont have an internal speaker, but i do have a second power supply
  10. M

    Is my Motherboard dead?

    Yes I have
  11. M

    Is my Motherboard dead?

    If that doesnt work what would you suggest?
  12. M

    Is my Motherboard dead?

    I have tried changing the cables for the 8 pin power connector for the CPU and looking at the stand offs for the cpu, the thing is all the fans are powering up. ive checked the CPU socket and no pins are bent, the psu is fine it has had 5 star rating by several people who you the same...
  13. M

    Is my Motherboard dead?

    Have I fried my Motherboard? Hey guys its my first time building a PC an ive come across a problem where i think i have fried my motherboard. Ive done the whole diagnostics of everything checked all the cabling and grounded myself several times prior,during and after building. Basically my CPU...
  14. M

    Graphics card not working help!!

    ive had no luck at all