Recent content by mlp353

  1. M

    Should I upgrade my gpu???

    Ok but just in general then your saying my gpu isn’t bottlnecking my cpu? And as for performance issues I do have pretty low frames on some maps like 30-50 fps wile o other maps I’m in the 70-90’s
  2. M

    Should I upgrade my gpu???

    Hey guys so I can run most games very smoothly and high settings but I recently started playing escape from tarkov which is not optimized completely yet I heard it’s very cpu intensive but when I check my task manager my gpu is at 100% while my cpu showes like 50-60% which surprises me. My cpu...
  3. M

    I need a decently priced cpu upgrade

    @rdg1101 I really would like to stay around 200$ if possible max 300$ multiple solutions greatly appreciated even used options for the CPU preferably not used on the mobo if possible
  4. M

    I need a decently priced cpu upgrade

    Ok so I have an am3+ mobo with and amd fx 8350 and 16gb ddr3 vengeance ram at 1600mhz and from what I know there's no higher CPU upgrade from here. What is a decent use upgrade cpu without breaking my bank? I understand I'll need a new mobo as well. I'd like to keep my current ram to try and...
  5. M

    Is this game more CPU intensive or gpu?

    Thanks for the game seton will try it now. Also I should mention I'm on windows 8.1 is it worth it to upgrade to 10? Iv heard games run better on win 10 but it's like 30$ for the cheapest key I can find.
  6. M

    Is this game more CPU intensive or gpu?

    I have turbo clock enabled but that's about it my CPU reaches as hot as 65c sometimes and I heard it's bad to go above 60c with my CPU so I don't think I can oc I use hardware monitor to check temps
  7. M

    Is this game more CPU intensive or gpu?

    Hey guys so I have an fx 8350 16gb of ddr3 vengeance ram and a pny GeForce 1050 ti 4gb ddr5. I only average about 50-60 frames on pubg on very low settings 1080p. I know this game is very poorly optimized but iv heard people say it's more gpu intensive an you need a god gpu to get good frames. I...
  8. M

    Feel like I should be getting more performance?

    Hey guys so I recently upgraded to and fx 8350 from an athlon 760k and bought a new mobo with it as well don't know the name ATM. But I feel like I should be getting more performance originally I was having some stuttering issues where it turned out the motherboard vrm was overheating I also...
  9. M

    I think Im getting some Kind Of Throttle?

    I got amd overdrive the temps were roughly the same. So your both saying my gpu is getting to hot then? I just played another session today it hit 90c (gpu) its never gone above 90c tho thank god. I have some old bigger case fans from another case I'll see if I can fit them in might be to big...
  10. M

    I think Im getting some Kind Of Throttle?

    Hi so i recently just built a new pc the only things that arnt new are the cpu and gpu. anyway so i notice when i play games after a while (maybe an hour or so from a cold start) I start to get these huge fram dips for about 3-10 seconds and then boom back to 100+ fps. According to Hardware...
  11. M

    Small harddrive for small case?

    I mean I can fit a harddrive in, in terms of thickness but a standard harddrive is to long (it bumps into my ram) I just need a 1tb hd that's not as long (probably 2" shorter"
  12. M

    Small harddrive for small case?

    So I have a 120gb ssd in my case rn but I need more storage for games etc. I don't have the money to buy a 1tb/500gb ssd. And a regular hd won't fit in my case. I keep seeing these "ssd hybrids" on eBay for like 60-70$ for 1tb but iv never heard of these? What are they? Should I get one?
  13. M

    Build me a budget pc please!

    Alright thank you both for your help I also have an amd r9 480 4gb ddr5 so I can always use that it's just the display ports don't work on it so I have to use and hdmi cable so I don't use it
  14. M

    Build me a budget pc please!

    So are you saying even with the ryzen build above the 960 isn't good enough? I figured 2gb ram was sufficient I don't care as much about maxing settings I just want to get rid of the studder and frame drops caused by a CPU my current CPU if anyone was wondering btw is amd athlon 760k overclocked...
  15. M

    Build me a budget pc please!

    Thank you both for your builds I appreciate it also I have 4x4gb ddr3 vengeance ram lying around that could knock if some of the price